Lost Wish Mountain Range
The Lost Wish Mountain Range is a semicircle of mountains that surrounds what is now the Olthoi North. It begins at the ocean north of Arwic and terminates at the ocean east of Bandit Castle. Also Gaerlan's Citadel crashed somewhere along the range between Arwic and Bandit Castle.
The Mountain Shortcut Portal at 34.9N 56.0E near Arwic gives best access to the south-east part, otherwise the Eotensfang Cottages Portal from Arwic.
The south-east part is one of the best locations to find Great Mattekars for the Horn for the Composite Bow
Points of Interest
- Bandit Castle - Portal at 42.4N 60.5E (SE-part)
- Steady portal to Arwic at 40.9N 55.8E (SE-part)
- Two NPCs in a hut at 41.1N 56.4E (SE-part):
Name | Coords | Related Quests/Rumors |
Lair of Death | 42.0N 58.1E | Olthoi Weapons |
Mite Maze | 41.1N 57.2E | Harlune's Diplomacy, Branith's Stolen Possessions, Water of Mount Lethe |
Olthoi Brood Hive (20+) | ||
Olthoi Horde Nest | ||
Renegade Garrison | 44.1N 51.8E | Renegade Mace Quest |
Random Landscape Spawns
- Lapyan Plant - SE Part
- Minalim Plant - SE Part
- Dirty Old Crate - SE Part - Worn and Battered Weapons
- Golem Sanctum Portal - SE Part - Crafting Golems