Pon Mi's confession

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From the Tanada House of Pancakes Quest.

File:Icon PonMisConfession.jpg Pon Mi's confession
This note was obtained from one of the many corpses of Pon Mi.

I just want to apologize to Ji's mom and Fushido's mom and my mom and I'm sorry to everyone. I thought that we could make a quick pyreal by stealing some baking supplies and combining them with that mucor stuff to make really tasty food, and we could blame the theft on the Tanada. I didn't realize that combining mucor with food supplies would do what it did, make so many monsters. I didn't realize that the Tanada would take things so seriously, and keep killing us time after time after time. I didn't realize that Chow Doun would send adventurer after adventurer after me to try to reclaim his supplies, even though he's already received my confession countless times. Please stop killing me.

-- Pon Mi