These leggings were crafted from the hide of the plague ridden hide of the dreaded rat, Scourge.Special Properties: DyeableArmor Level: 450 (670)Covers Upper Legs, Lower LegsYou must be at least level 130 to wield this item.Casts the following spells: Major Acid Ward, Major Bludgeoning Ward, Brogard's DefianceArmor Level: 450 (670)Slashing: Below Average (315) (469)Piercing: Below Average (315) (469)Bludgeoning: Average (405) (603)Fire: Below Average (315) (469)Cold: Poor (90) (134)Acid: Average (405) (603)Electric: Poor (90) (134)Nether: Average (450) (670)Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 300Spellcraft: 400Mana: 1000Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.