Upper Insatiable Eater Jaw
- Only a small number of Insatiable Eaters near the end of the Insatiable Vault (near the exit portal). These spawn in specific locations and always drop it, the rest of the eaters in the dungeon can never drop it.
- Does not stack.
- Six day timer on pickup.
- In Reforging the Past, Insatiable Eaters were made to drop 2 different jaws; the upper jaw, and the lower jaw. The upper jaw is meant to be given to Clemenza for an XP and title reward. And the lower, the Insatiable Eater Jaw, has 2 uses; it can be given to the Huntsman of Silyun to get flagged for the Chasing Oswald quest, or it can be given to Fiun Rehlyun to get flagged for a part of the Augmentation Gems quest.
- You allow Clemenza to examine your Upper Insatiable Eater Jaw.
- You hand over 1 of your Upper Insatiable Eater Jaws.
- Clemenza tells you, "Excellent! You are a warrior of unparalleled ability! You have done what few of even our bravest knights can accomplish. I am humbled to be in your presence."
- You've earned 8,000,000 experience.
- You've earned 32,000,000 experience.
- Clemenza gives you 2 Trade Notes (250,000).
- Clemenza tells you, "I do now grant you the title of Insatiable Slayer."