A set of greaves forged from Thaumaturgic Plate Crystal, and then embedded with spells by Asheron himself. This piece of armor resonates with the two other pieces of its set, generating more powerful spells as the pieces are worn together.Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded, IvoryableArmor Level: 170 (670)Covers Lower LegsThis item can only be wielded by <Player>.You must be at least level 130 to wield this item.Casts the following spells: Quickness Other Incantation, Minor Quickness, Minor Impregnability, Empyrean Aegis, Greater Bludgeoning Durance, Greater Piercing Durance, Greater Slashing Durance, Greater Decay Durance, Greater Consumption Durance, Greater Stasis Durance, Greater Stimulation DuranceArmor Level: 170 (670)Slashing: Below Average (85) (1005)Piercing: Below Average (85) (1005)Bludgeoning: Below Average (85) (1005)Fire: Below Average (85) (1005)Cold: Below Average (85) (1005)Acid: Below Average (85) (1005)Electric: Below Average (85) (1005)Nether: Average (170) (670)Activation Requirements: NoneSpellcraft: 400Mana: 10000Mana Cost: 1 point per 2 seconds.