A piece of the Heroic Destroyer set.
Made from fine and supple steel, this atlatl was designed to hunt wild game. This dart-thrower, made by the Huntsmen's Guild of Viamont, soon became a fashionable hunting implement among the aristocrats of that nation. There are rumors, however, that the Huntsmen's Guild has darker purposes for these weapons, that involve huning human prey...
Special Properties: Bludgeon Rending, Armor Cleaving
Skill: Missile Weapons (Thrown Weapon) Damage Bonus: 0 (31) Elemental Damage Bonus: 15, Bludgeoning Damage Modifier: +190% Speed: Fast (15) (0) Range: 65 yds Uses atlatl darts as ammunition. Bonus to Melee Defense: +18.0% (+38.0%)
Casts the following spells: Aura of Incantation of Swift Killer, Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude, Incantation of Missile Weapon Mastery Self, Aura of Incantation of Blood Drinker, Aura of Incantation of Defender, Epic Blood Thirst
Spellcraft: 350 Mana: 2,100 Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.