Maggie the Jackcat
Maggie the Jackcat is a player on the Thistledown server who also runs an AC fansite and is something of a celebrity in the world of AC.
Although her website hasn't received any substantial updates since the death of her vassal Ned Cleversun in late 2008; her site continues to be an excellent resource for AC information dating as far back as beta.
Maggie the Jackcat's Fabulous AC Guide!
Notable Facts about Maggie & Ned
- Maggie's site received exclusive screenshots for each of the patches from August 2003 to January 2009.
- A housing settlement called Jackcat Canyon was named after Maggie in September 2001.
- Ned Cleversun inspired the creation of her website which was designed as a guide for him.
- An NPC named Ned the Clever was created in May 2009 as a tribute to Ned Cleversun.
- Ned is also featured in the Secrets of the Apostates Teaser along with Magaritta du Jacquette, a tribute to Maggie the Jackcat.