Olthoi Celdon Armor

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Revision as of 23:53, 10 March 2013 by imported>Sanddh (Palettes and dye effects)
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Introduced:  Ancient Powers
A complete suit of Olthoi Celdon Armor
Armor Summary
Name: Olthoi Celdon Armor
Heritage: Aluvian, Tier VII
Coverage: Full
AL: See Loot (various)


  • Celdon armor is named after the major Aluvian city of Celdon on Ispar, located along the Canfeld River. For more information on the city of Celdon, see The Reign of Alfrega.
  • Olthoi Celdon can only be found in chests or on creatures that drop tier 8 loot
  • The main material of the armor is metal (gold, silver, steel, and so on)
  • The armor consists of 7 parts (legs, girth, breastplate, sleeves, gauntlets, sollerets, helm).
  • Some parts of the armor are semi-transparent, and take on the color of the underclothes: see the white parts on the images below
  • When dyeing, the veins stay the original color (see below for dyed variations).
  • The dye turns the armor into a rather bright variation. Fail dye turns the armor into a bright orange. (See the Images and Palettes below).

Quest Olthoi Celdon

Blackmoor Helm


Note: Silvery white areas on the armor in the images below will mirror undershirt color.
Olthoi Celdon Helm Olthoi Celdon Breastplate Olthoi Celdon Girth
Olthoi Celdon Sleeves Olthoi Celdon Gauntlets Olthoi Celdon Leggings
Olthoi Celdon Sollerets

Dyed Olthoi Celdon Armor

Dyed Olthoi Celdon Armor

(Light Blue)

(Dark Blue)


(Mint Green)







Palettes and dye effects

Dye Effects

  • Note that these colors can also be found as Loot colors
Known Palettes for Dyed Olthoi Celdon Armor
ACID Name Sample DCS Head VT BP VT Arms VT Hands VT Girth VT Legs VT Feet VT
7718 Lapyan_Olth 0374FA 107CFF
7723 Colban_Olth 0052AF 004291 003575 0053B3 004BA1, 00408B
7701 Verdalim_Olth 0C5D05 0C6006
7697 Minalim_Olth 47F139 4AF13C 5BF14E
7694 Relanim_Olth A714B4 5E0666, 5E0666
7728 Thananim_Olthoi 2D2D2D 3B3B3B
7743 Hennacin_Olth 7C0000
7684 Argenory_Olth EAEAEA E6E6E6, E6E6E6 D6D6D6 F2F2F2, E3E3E3
7708 Berimphur_Olth A88A0D 705C07
7712 FailOrange_Olth D9640D EF6F14 EF7A28 ED6D0F
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.

Palettes found in loot

Known Palettes for Olthoi Celdon Armor
ACID Name Sample DCS Main Head VT 2nd Head VT Main Girth VT 2nd Girth VT Main Feet VT 2nd Feet VT
5589 WhaleBlue_Olth 1D4D88
5590 TukoraGreen_Olth 007B08 006006
5591 OliveGold_Olth 858D00 99A200
5592 SprawlRed_Olth BA1414 990000??
5593 OwnedOrange_Olth F86C00
5594 FrozenBlue_Olth 1DF9F9 00A1A2
5595 MossGreen_Olth 00552F 006035
5596 SmokeGrey_Olth 828282
5597 SapphireBlue_Olth 001D5E 001034
5598 EclipsePurple_Olth 4E0072
5599 AshenGrey_Olth 3C3C3C
7683 GhostWhite_Olth D6D6D6 FFFFFF FFFFFF
7684 Argenory_Olth EAEAEA D6D6D6 F1F1F1
7686 SilverGrey_Olth D8D8D8 B2B2B2
7687 FrostGrey_Olth AEAEAE B0B0B0 C5C5C5
7688 WhiteGrey_Olth D4D4D4 C7C7C7
7689 FeatherGrey_Olth E7E7E7 CFCFCF C5C5C5 D4D4D4
7690 RiftPink_Olth E027F0 E755F4 E657F3
7691 ArtificePink_Olth A00BAA DC15EE
7692 TempestPink_Olth D31BE4 C30ED3 BB0DC9
7693 NoblePurple_Olth 5A0662 47044C
7694 Relanim_Olth A714B4
7695 PhloxPurple_Olth 8A0B95 8A0994 80088A
7696 PortalPurple_Olth AD0EBA
7697 Minalim_Olth 47F139 5BF14E 20E110 4FF041
7698 EloiseGreen_Olth 18A80B 32EE21
7699 LeafcullGreen_Olth 107A07 22DE11
7700 GrassGreen_Olth 0C5C06 084704 063603 0B5705
7701 Verdalim_Olth 0C5D05 0C6006 0A4F05
7702 AphusGreen_Olth 0D5F06
7703 OswaldGreen_Olth 0B5906 13930A 19B50C
7704 MeriGold_Olth DAB60B
7705 AmberGold_Olth 9F8208 E0B80E CFAB0D EEC622
7706 BeamGold_Olth E2BF2B D2AD0E E3BB0F D9B30F E3B911
7707 MustardBrown_Olt 4D3E04 3A2F03 594906
7708 Berimphur_Olth A88A0D 705C07 7A6309
7709 DesertGold_Olth C7A510 9D820A 947A0A
7710 BrassGold_Olth 564605 C3A00F? B6960C
7711 RogOrange_Olth F17417
7712 FailOrange_Olth D9640D EF7A28 ED6D0F EE721B (confirmed)
7713 PumpkinOrange_Olth D6620E CE5E0D BD570C
7714 RussetOrange_Olth 91450D
7715 GingerOrange_Olth C45F14 8D400A 803A09
7716 DhoOrange_Olth 7F3A08 753607 A54B0C
7717 CopperBrown_Olth 98460B A64C0B B7540C AD500C
7718 Lapyan_Olth 0374FA 107CFF
7719 RoyalBlue_Olth 0050B2
7720 LifestoneBlue_Olth 0170F2 0060D4
7721 SolidBlue_Olth 0057BA 00387C 00499E 00408E
7722 ClearSkyBlue_Olth 015ECC 003B81 004BA3 004393 002755
7723 Colban_Olth 0052AF 004291 0053B3
7724 DreamingBlue_Olth 076DE4 0049A1 004597
7725 MistGrey_Olth 969696 A0A0A0
7726 DanteGrey_Olth 606060 777777 6E6E6E 808080
7727 TinGrey_Olth 585858 7A7A7A
7728 Thananim_Olthoi 2D2D2D 202020 3B3B3B 343434
7729 OnyxBlack_Olth 1C1C1C 343434 464646 484848
7730 FlatGrey_Olth 4E4E4E 575757 4E4E4E 505050
7731 StoneGrey_Olth 3E3E3E 505050 646464
7732 CoralBlue_Olth 39CFFE 15C9FF
7733 StasisBlue_Olth 0AC1FA
7734 SpringBlue_Olth 0590BC 00A5D9 01AFE6
7735 CeruleanBlue_Olth 006585 005773 004258 004C65
7736 BenekBlue_Olth 00607D
7737 AbyssAqua_Olth 004E67 0085AF 007094
7738 OceanBlue_Olth 008EBB 0088B3
7739 CabalistRed_Olth F01D1D F24848
7740 StrifeRed_Olth D11212
7741 BrilliantRed_Olth DD0303 DC0000
7742 BrickRed_Olth 610000 610000 4E0000 FDB300?? DC0000?
7743 Hennacin_Olth 7C0000 560000 7F0000
7744 StrongRed_Olth 920000 A70000 940000
7745 AssaultRed_Olth A20000 A10000 C50000
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.
