Sapphire Gromnie Eye
Value: 1,500 150 Burden Units
Template:Trophy Drops
- Dropped by Sapphire Gromnies
- Does not stack.
- Turn in for 18,000 xp (@level 12 w/out xp trinket) and a Sapphire Oculus by handing it to a Jewel Collector
- You give Jewel Collector Sapphire Gromnie Eye.
Jewel Collector gives you Sapphire Oculus.
You've earned 18,000 experience.
Jewel Collector tells you, "This is truly an odd find. It is obviously the eye of a gromnie, but it seems to have solidified after the beast's death and turned into this gem."
Jewel Collector tells you, "Oh, I'm sorry, you'll be wanting something correct? Take this oculus. I've taken some samples of the jewel, the rest is yours."