Seeds of Corruption

October 2008
Turbine Announcements
AC Mystics
Warcry's CoD
Rollout - [<Rollout Link to Turbine> Link]
Release Notes - Link
Hello there and welcome to the October 2008 Release Notes! The Festival season is upon us once again and with it comes some of our favorite traditions here in Dereth. Masks and Guises return as well as the decorations that mark the season. Lets see what else is new and exciting this month in Dereth!
- Level 8 vulns are now in the game and can be crafted In addition level 8 protections have been adjusted to be in line with where they should have been.
- Society Recall Gems are now stackable
- The Pyre Skeleton Jaws now stack
- Dark Isle Black Coral and Dark Isle Reports now stack and have no restriction on pickup however the npc’s will take all that you have when you complete the quest.
- The mana blight crystals from the Corrupted Pyramids quest now stack
- Fall Monster spawns are now showing up
- Mask and Guise body parts have started to appear again
- The pumpkin Buffers and access to the Disco will be returning this month
- The cooler weather has affected the landscape. Butterfly’s and baby creatures should no longer be out.
- Town faction guards should properly attack neutral players that go into the pvp towns now and sadly all the bunnies that get too close to the fort as well.
- The drop rate on Pristine Mana Shards has been increased.
- The spell Zongo’s Fist should now surpass Strength of Diemos.
- The towns of Arwic, Ayan Baqur and Mayoi have been reporting some strange activity lately.
- It appears that T’thuun is still trying to gain control of the Deru.
- On November 2nd, Asheron’s Call will celebrate its 9th anniversary. Make sure you are around that day for some special fun!
- Turning in pristine mana shards now gets you a key that can be used on any of the chests in the mana foundries
- The Sclavus using the Tthuun Dagger have been adjusted
- The Lord Gateway quest has been fixed to let you repeat the quest if you pick up the wrong item, the riddle that was bugged on this quest has also been fixed
So there are just some of the things we have in store for Asheron's Call in October. Please remember that along with everything listed here, there are several new quests and exciting things going into the game for the October event.
Town Crier Rumors
Rumor 1
Rumor 2
You Give Town Crier Pyreal.
Pyreal Rumor 1
You Give Town Crier Pyreal.
Pyreal Rumor 2
Ulgrim Rumors
Rumor 1
Rumor 2
You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.
Stout Rumor 1
You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.
Stout Rumor 2