Shade of Farelaith

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Related topics: Farelaith

Introduced:  Through Sacrifice, Strength Related Quests:  Shadowfire Stone Quest, Temple of the Stirring Shadows Quest
Shade of Farelaith

Tormented Soul
Non-Player Killer

Strength 140
Endurance 200
Coordination 160
Quickness 160
Focus 290
Self 290
Health 200
Stamina 350
Mana 440

Location: 74.3N 58.6E next to the entrance to the Temple of Stirring Shadows


  • Route: Take the Haliana portal just west of Cragstone.
  • For the background of Farelaith, his involvement in the escape of Grael, and how his brothers met their fate, see the text Our Bitter Winter.

Lore & Dialog

Shade of Farelaith says, "I failed them... I failed them all..."

Shade of Farelaith tells you, "You... Yes, you could help me, mortal. I need you to slay my younger brothers, who were corrupted into beings of Shadow by our former master, Grael. Please, you must enter this Temple of the Stirring Shadow. The temple has three wings, and one of my brothers serves in each wing. They have lost their names and faces to the Shadow corruption, but they still bear their own weapons... I was a mage in my past life, mortal. Help me, and I shall reward you."
Shade of Farelaith tells you, "Enter the South Wing first, and seek out my poor youngest brother, Baranaith. He wielded a spear in life, as he does now in the shadow. Bring me his spear so that I may know his torment is no more."

Temple of the Stirring Shadow

You give Shade of Farelaith Spear of Baranaith.
Shade of Farelaith tells you, "Oh, my brother's spear! Baranaith was my youngest brother. He was barely more than a child when we were taken to the slave pits of Haebrous. I failed him, most of all..."
Shade of Farelaith tells you, "Take this spear, mortal, as an instrument of vengeance. I have infused it with some portion of my power."
Shade of Farelaith tells you, "Now go into the North Wing and seek out my brother Korogaith. You will know him by his axe."

Shade of Farelaith gives you Spear of Winter Flame.

Shade of Farelaith tells you, "You have my brother Korogaith's axe? Please, give it to me, so that I know that he has been granted oblivion."
You give Shade of Farelaith Axe of Korogaith.
Shade of Farelaith tells you, "This is indeed the axe of my brother Korogaith. He was just a few years older than Baranaith. He was a hunter and a woodsman without peer. He was the one who tracked down Grael in the wilderness... Oh, would that we had never found that accursed soul again, but perished together in the snow..."
Shade of Farelaith tells you, "Take this axe. I have infused it with some portion of my power, to serve as an instrument of vengeance against the dark powers that corrupted my brothers."
Shade of Farelaith gives you Axe of Winter Flame.
Shade of Farelaith tells you, "Now go into the East Wing, the last of the wings, and seek out my brother Hiranaith. You will know him by his mace."

Shade of Farelaith tells you, "You have my brother Hiranaith's mace? Please, give it to me, so that I know that he has been granted oblivion."
You give Shade of Farelaith Mace of Hiranaith.
Shade of Farelaith tells you, "Oh, my brother Hiranaith. This is his mace, with which he served in the town guard, before our father was forced to sell us to the imperial slavers. Hiranaith was a year younger than me, but twice as strong. He was my protector in the slave pits. Alas, I could not help him in his time of need..."
Shade of Farelaith tells you, "I have infused the mace with some portion of my power. Take it and use it against the shadowy things which corrutped us. I give you also my journal, that you may know something of Grael, who was once our master and twice betrayed his followers."

You've earned 1,500,000 experience.
Shade of Farelaith gives you Mace of Winter Flame.
Shade of Farelaith gives you Farelaith's Untranslated Journal.

Shadowfire Stone

You give Shade of Farelaith Repaired Shadow Stone.
Shade of Farelaith tells you, "You must be from the mortal, Ciandra. She sent her apprentice to ask my aid in altering these stones. I can aid you, but I will need a source of Pure Mana to do so. The act of setting these stones against their creators is draining on my spirit, and would soon end my existence without the aid of the Mana."
Shade of Farelaith tells you, "I'll hold onto this, and make the preparations to this stone. Get for me a Decanter of Essence. They hold enough power for me to complete the process."
You give Shade of Farelaith Decanter of Essence.
Shade of Farelaith tells you, "Ahh, yes mortal, this will do."
Farelaith drains the decanter. Glowing slightly, he focuses his anger against the Shadows into the Repaired Shadow Stone. The last, minor flaws in the crystal disappear, and the stone now radiates a gentle warmth, where before it was cold.
Shade of Farelaith tells you, "There, this should meet your needs, and be an instrument of my vengeance as well. Here"
Shade of Farelaith gives you Dormant Shadowfire Stone.