The Pit
Maps NPCs Creatures Items and Objects Portals Images Update History |
- There is a large hole that passes through all levels of the dungeon. At the bottom is a Portal to the Beach Fort and an Exploration Marker.
- The dungeon is indicated on the Ingame Map. See Points of Interest Map, no. 06.
- During the The Calm event, the level 15+ requirement was updated to 60+, the creatures were updated and Suzuhara Baijin's Care Package was added.
- During the Picking up the Pieces event, and Exploration Marker was added to the dungeon.
- None
Items and Objects
Chest - see map
Sturdy Iron Chest - see map
Suzuhara Baijin's Care Package - see map
Exploration Marker - at the bottom
- Beach Fort - at the bottom
- Surface - near drop and at the bottom
Click image for full size version.
Entrance to The Pit