Altar of Bael'Zharon
Related topics: Eye of Darkness
Introduced in the Release event.

- Use to become a Player Killer.
- You hear distant laughter of delight and welcome, as you join the ranks of those freed from Asheron's protective shackles by Bael'Zharon.
You have become one of his Chosen, a Player Killer.
- Locations:
- Accursed Halls - Sake to Drunken Madman in Baishi.
- Decrepit Tower - Requires a Crest of the Shagar Zharala from a Shreth Gnawn Corpse.
- Mount Lethe Magma Tubes - Lockpick required.
- Mage Academy - 74.7N, 18.5E
- Another type of shrine exists which also turns players PK: Eye of Darkness - Located in the Whispering Blade Chapterhouse and the Rossu Morta Chapterhouse in the archery practice room.
- Two altars exist that reverse the effects of the Altar of Bael'Zharon and Eye of Darkness: The Altar of Asheron and Adja's Memorial.