Caulnalain Chamber
Maps NPCs Creatures Items and Objects Portals Images Update History |
- This dungeon can only be accessed by using a Caulnalain Portal Gem. The portal gem is obtained by using a Caulnalain Key on the Caulnalain Gate found inside the Caulnalain Vestibule.
- When this dungeon was first discovered it contained one of the Soul Crystals that were used to imprison Bael'Zharon. When this crystal was destroyed it dropped a unique gem that could be crafted into various special crystal items. See the live event page 09/21/00 - Caulnalain Soul Crystal.
- Map available at
- Wiki Map:
- None
Items and Objects
Throbbing Lump - Dropped by the Caulnalain Shadow Leader
Caulnalain Gem - Dropped by the Caulnalain Crystal
- Surface - near drop and halfway the dungeon (see map)
Click image for full size version.
Update History
A Small Victory
- Creatures updated from:
- Shadows
- Shadow Lieutenants
- Fragments
- Caulnalain Crystal
- Caulnalain Satellite Fragment
- Caulnalain Shadow Leader