You are dropped at a random starting location when you enter.
Preliminary Directions:
Go up and as far S or N where you can
When you reach a big room with a pit, you can zoom out, and see an opening one level down
The pit has an invisible floor, do a shift jump. It was about a 3/4 jump. The invisible floor is out a bit from the edge, so don't try to just jump as close to the edge as you can.
At the end of the level below, there is a "Surface" Portal
This portals you to another big room with stones you need to jump
Jumping Puzzle
The locations of the platforms change, so there will be different routes
Route 1:
Shift Jump to the rock in the middle, just below the platform
Looong jump N, towards another rock in the middle, you won't land on top of it, but bump off it on another one
Shift jump to the NW
Long jump E, slightly N, to a rock against the wall
Shift jump to the next one
Backwards shift jump
Step backwards, shift jump
Long jump straight N
Shift jump W
Backwards shift jump on the platform
Portal Puzzle
Next, there will be three portals, each bringing you to a next section with more portals
If you take a wrong portal, you're back at the start of the jumping puzzle...
Fallen Spikes & Rocks
If you do it right, you will end up in another big room with LOTS of Falling Spikes
Go left wall, watch sequence, when last one nearby falls, run like hell
Kill the Chilled Defender, Fiery Defender, Charged Defender and a 5 minute portal to Deewain's Chambers will spawn.
Deewain's Chamber
Deewain is surrounded by a few Rocks and Followers of Deewain. He is weak to bludgeoning and acid. Deewain has 200,250 health and nasty debuffs. If you defeat him, the rocks blocking the passage out of the room disappear. Follow the passage and pick up a rock on the ground (27 day timer) and hand to Fayza in Xarabydun for your reward.
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Deewain is holed up pretty well in that cave he created. He did tell me that if I wanted to visit him the rocks would guide my path."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ya, I don't know what that means either."
You allow Fayza to examine your Energy Infused Rock.
Fayza tells you, "What a magnificent sample! So light for such a large stone, truly amazing."
Fayza tells you, "I wonder if I could use this material to create something special....."
Fayza tells you, "Ah right, I should also reward you bringing me this"