From the Burun Slaying Weapons, Noble Weapons and Soul Stone quests introduced in Patch.
Burun Slaying Katar
Burun Slaying Katar
Value: 6,000 85 Burden Units
Special Properties: Attuned, Biting Strike, Crushing Blow, Burun Slayer
Damage: 6.8 - 18 (? - ?), Piercing
Speed: Very Fast (10) (?)
Uses Unarmed Combat Skill
Bonus to Attack Skill: +9% (+?%)
Bonus to Defense Skill: +9% (+?%)
Your base Unarmed Combat Skill must be at least 325 to wield this item.
Casts the following spells: Defender V, Endurance Other V, Blood Drinker VI, Swift Killer IV, Invulnerability Other V, Heart Seeker V
Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 150
Spellcraft: 275
Mana: 800
Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.
Spell Descriptions: