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Related topics: Skills, Crafting, Gearcraft, Gearcraft Items, Category:Gearcraft, Category:Gearcraft Recipe, Category:Gearcraft Guide, Category:Retired Skills

Description Lets you improve gearcraft trinkets.
Formula (Focus + Coordination) / 2
Base Status Untrained
Cost to Train 2
Cost to Specialize 0 - specialized via Tristra's Essence augment.
Buffs Gear Craft Mastery (Spell), Coordination (Spell), Focus (Spell)
Debuffs Gear Craft Ineptitude (Spell), Clumsiness (Spell), Bafflement (Spell)

Introduced in Gears of Change, Gearcrafting allows you to augment trinkets with unique spells and craft special objects which give new abilities to Leadership, Loyalty, Deception, and Assess Creature.


Magic Skills Arcane Lore, Creature Enchantment, Item Enchantment, Life Magic, Mana Conversion, Void Magic, War Magic
Combat Skills Finesse Weapons, Heavy Weapons, Light Weapons, Missile Weapons, Two Handed Combat
Secondary Combat Skills Dual Wield, Dirty Fighting, Recklessness, Sneak Attack, Summoning
Defense Skills Magic Defense, Melee Defense, Missile Defense, Shield
Crafting Skills Alchemy, Armor Tinkering, Cooking, Fletching, Item Tinkering, Lockpick, Magic Item Tinkering, Salvaging, Weapon Tinkering
Miscellaneous Skills Assess Creature, Assess Person, Deception, Healing, Leadership, Loyalty, Jump, Run
Retired Skills

Appraise Armor, Appraise Item, Appraise Magic Item, Appraise Weapon, Axe, Bow, Crossbow, Dagger, Gearcraft, Mace, Spear, Staff, Sword, Thrown Weapons, Unarmed Combat