Quest Overview
- Since the update, the dungeons now holds higher level creatures (such as Drudge Bloodletters, Virindi Consuls and Assailers).
- Singularity Bore flags you to be able to use the portal to Singularity Caul. Flagging consists of killing The Guardian of the Singularity. There are 4 possible routes to different Guardians.
- The number of chain casting enemies can become overwhelming if you are not near maxxed magic defense. One way to accomplish this quest easily if your buffed magic defense is already around 250 to use a magic defense rare boosting magic defense to approximately 500. Almost no spells will get through a magic defense of 500 which makes killing the Guardian a matter of finishing before the 15 minutes on the rare are up.
Walk Through
- Travel to the Singularity Bore at 64.1S, 63.8 W on the Obsidian Plains
- You need to obtain the kill on the Guardian of the Singularity to be flagged for Caul. There are 4 Guardians available in the dungeon.
- From drop, go S and jump down a pit (two traps, a mana blight and a lightning bolt one)
- After the jump, go either W or E, next either N or S. At the end, each room will hold a Guardian.
- The shortest run is to go W, next S. Enemies in the Southwest route consist of Drudge Bloodletters, Ascendant Drudges, and various high level virindi.
- Kill the Guardian of the Singularity, and loot the Quintessence Sickle from his corpse.
- Once the guardian is dead you are flagged after you get the message about only opening the path to your doom.
Wiki Map
Experience Rewards
Task Required
First Run Max Experience
Percentage & Level Cap
Repeated Run Max XP
Repeated Run Percentage & Level Cap
??% up to level ??
See Level Costs for per level information.
Lore & Dialog
As the Virindi falls to the ground, there is a bright flash of light!
Guardian of the Singularity is reduced to cinders!
The Virindi's cloak seems to boil, as if a thousand insects were seeking to escape before it collapses. The dying Virindi shares its final thoughts with you: "Your life is forfeit, human. You simply do not know it yet. In killing me, <Player Name>, you have gained access to your doom."