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The main point of commerce in the world of Dereth. Players come here to trade, buy goods from the marketplace bots, organise quest fellowships and even kill each other in Player Killer Lite fights.
MMD Trade Notes are regularly used as the exchange medium for trade bots at the Marketplace.
Occassionly creatures and lore characters are spawned in the marketplace as part of a live event, even lord Asheron has even been known to make an appearance.
Marketplace Stalls
Bots are commonly set up in one of the four outlying rooms on each Server:
- Frostfell -
- Harvestgain -
- Leafcull -
- Morningthaw -
- Solclaim -
- Thistledown -
- Verdantine -
- Wintersebb -
Click image for full size version.
The Marketplace portal in the Town Network
A player using Secure Trade to trade with a bot.
Asheron visiting the marketplace