Skill: Light Weapon (Mace)Damage: ?? - ?? (40.32 - 56),Speed: ?? (??)Bonus to Attack Skill: +??% (16%)Bonus to Melee Defense: +??% (20%)Your base Light Weapon must be at least 300 to wield this item.Casts the following spells: Legendary Light Weapon Aptitude, Aura of Incantation of Swift Killer Self, Aura of Incantation of Heart Seeker Self, Aura of Incantation of Blood Drinker SelfActivation Requirements: 300Spellcraft: 300Mana: 5000Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.
You hand over 100 of your Infused Amber Shards. Kervim'telek gives you Oak Stormwood Mace.