Shadow Armor Suits
Related topics: Shadow Armor Quest, Tailoring
Information on Suits
- Pre-patch suits of lesser and medium shadow armor can be given back to the Master Armorer who made it for the post-patch pieces and vice versa.
- Suits of current or "Neo" greater shadow armor can also be handed back for the post-patch version.
- Pre-patch greater shadow armor is Retired and only obtainable through trade with those who own the old suits.
- Changing the look of a suit:
- Neo GSA can be sharded, dyed or upgraded with prismatic oils and glyphs.
- Post-patch armor can be improved with Major Atlan Stones (Frost, Flame, Lightning and Acid).
- Pre-patch armor cannot be dyed or upgraded in anyway.
Greater Shadow Armor
Greater Shadow Armor
Dyed Greater Shadow Armor
- Dyed with blue, green and red dyes sold by each of the Master Armorers' apprentices.
Post-Patch Greater Shadow Armor
Post-Patch Greater Armor of Frost, Flame, Lightning and Acid
Medium Shadow Armor
Medium Shadow Armor
Post-Patch Medium Shadow Armor
Post-Patch Medium Armor of Frost, Flame, Lightning and Acid
Lesser Shadow Armor
Lesser Shadow Armor
Post-Patch Lesser Shadow Armor
Post-Patch Lesser Armor of Frost, Flame, Lightning and Acid
Sharded Greater Shadow Armor
- Sharded armor is gold unless dyed with the blue, red and violet dyes.