A ghostly blue mace, bound to your soul.Special Properties: Ghost Slayer, Crushing Blow, Armor CleavingDamage: 45.05 - 53 (63.75 - 75), BludgeoningSpeed: Average (40) (0)Bonus to Attack Skill: +20% (37%)Bonus to Melee Defense: +15.0% (32.0%)This item can only be wielded by <Player>.Your {{{Weapon Skill}}} must be at least 400 to wield this item.Casts the following spells: Major Mace Aptitude, Minor Coordination, Minor Strength, Infected Caress, Elysa's Sight, Cragstone's Will, Atlan's AlacritySpellcraft: 475Mana: 2700Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.This item cannot be sold.