Renegade Stronghold (Stonehold)

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Revision as of 03:35, 11 June 2009 by imported>Widgeon (moved A Renegade Stronghold (Stonehold) to Renegade Stronghold (Stonehold): There is no "A" in the name.)
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Introduced in: Pillars Made of Sand

Dungeon Summary
Location 71.4N 28.6W
Restrictions 1+, ??
Map ACmaps - A Renegade Stronghold
Route Short run from Stonehold (take the Westward Portal at 69.1N 23.9W for a shorter run).
Related Quests Coarse Hide Shirt and Distilled Mana Potions


Ollar, Renegade Captain drops a Strong Iron Key to open the Renegade Chest (Diff ??) that contains the Coarse Hide Shirt and 100 Distilled Mana Potions.


