Quest Overview
Walk Through
- To begin this quest, speak with Ilte Krongal at 61.6S, 63.3W (Ilte Krongal will give you 3 Tainted Aetherium Oils)
- To gain entrance to the quest dungeon, you will need to make your way up the floating platforms that litter the area. You will be running around outside in the Rynthid Infested Plains.
- To begin the climb, run to the access ramp located at 62.5S, 65.4W and make your way up to the Rynthid Foundry at 62.5S, 64.9W (lvl 180+)
- Make your way thru the Rynthid Foundry using a Tainted Aetherium Oils on each of the 3 Aetherium Ores in the dungeon.
- At the end kill the Rynthid Taskmaster to open the last door to the rewards room.
- Use a Pile of Spare Parts in the rewards room get a Legendary Key.
- Return to Ilte Krongal at 61.6S, 63.3W for 10k Luminance, 200kXp.
Wiki Map
Rynthid Foundry
62.5S, 64.9W
Experience Rewards
Task Required
First Run Max Experience
Percentage & Level Cap
Repeated Run Max XP
Repeated Run Percentage & Level Cap
??% up to level ??
See Level Costs for per level information.
Task Required
Max Experience
Percentage & Level Cap
??% up to level ??
See Level Costs for per level information.
Title Rewards
Task Required
Title Reward
See Titles for a list of all available titles.
Click image for full size version.
Lore & Dialog