Announcements - 2011/10 - Cloak of Darkness

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Octboer 2011 - Cloak of Darkness

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Cloak of Darkness

“It is time.”

Asheron, followed closely by Deewain, Isin Dule, and the small force they had managed to muster, moved with a steady and confident pace toward the forsaken town of Tou-Tou. The sky grew darker, the air still, as the forces of light maneuvered ever closer to the legions of darkness. Asheron called the brave warriors to a halt beside the meeting hall at the edge of town.

“The Shadow is not to be underestimated,” Asheron addressed the troops, “they are powerful and will do whatever it takes to bring Bael’Zharon back to this land.”

Isin Dule followed with words of his own, “Do not waste time attempting to reason with Ler Rhan or Ferah, they are foolishly committed to their cause. They want to spread their corruption through Dereth with a wave of destruction. If they succeed in bringing Bael’Zharon to the surface, do not face him on your own, he is a more powerful force than you have ever seen.”

“It pains me that Ilservian has become this way. What happened to him was a tragedy any could empathize with. It did not have to be like this. Deewain is proof that a being can be mistreated and wronged while still following the path of the light. We will be nothing short of lucky if we prevent that chaos from escaping his prison today.”

“Now why would you say that? You’ve done it twice before. Hell, you don’t let any of us forget it.” A bitter old man approached from the side of the group. “Make sure to take all of the credit again when we win today.”

Asheron reached his hand out to shake that of the old man, “It is good to see you old friend. I appreciate you coming.”

“Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve had a good fight. I figured what the hell, it isn’t like those little shadows are gonna hurt me. They never could before, isn’t that right,” the old man smacked Isin Dule on the shoulder.

The sky darkened. A black and purple vortex opened on the hill overlooking the town. As Asheron turned to see, a dark menacing winged creature appeared out of the vortex. Bael’Zharon, The Hopeslayer, had returned. Although only a projection due to a weakening of his prison, if the generals were not stopped, Bael’Zharon had a chance to return to the surface for good.

Without any time to react, a wave of shadows poured in on the small army. The group spread out, their backs to one another. The light sliced through the darkness as they worked their way into the town. With a blast that briefly lit the sky brighter than day, Asheron sent a wall of shadows spiraling through the air and created a path through the minions.

The old man whipped his green sword through the air cutting one shadow down after another. He turned to Asheron for only a brief moment, “Go, we’ll be fine.”

Asheron and Isin Dule took off from the group, headed toward the creature on the hill. With his hands stretched into the air, Bael’Zharon summoned a fury of meteors that streaked towards the town. Deewain swatted one of the falling boulders to the side, protecting several of the soldiers. Others were not so lucky as the rest of the meteors slammed into the buildings, demolishing them with such extreme force that shrapnel tore through the ranks.

Isin Dule fired off a powerful shockwave as he approached Ler Rhan. Able to dodge the attack by mere inches, Ler Rhan faced off with Isin Dule. The two shadow generals sized each other up, each aware of what the other was capable of. Ler Rhan made the first move with a precisely aimed nether bolt. It hit Isin Dule square in the chest. One arm grabbed his chest as he absorbed the blast.

“You always were the weak one Isin Dule. It was no surprise you turned coward and ran from us.”

Isin Dule fired back an electric wave of energy which connected with Ler Rhan, the electricity coursed through his body.

“There is a difference between cowardice and proper ideals. You didn’t learn then and you won’t learn now. The path of chaos will never prevail.”

The pair exploded into battle. The ground lit briefly by different colors as the magical forces surged from each shadow toward the other.

Asheron conjured up a powerful spell to severe Bael’Zharon’s tie with the surface. He worked the spell up carefully not wanting to rush a spell which had the potential for catastrophic results. The advancing shadows slowed his progress as he occasionally had to stop to obliterate ones which foolishly tried to take the powerful mage alone. Bael’Zharon took notice and began summoning a spell of his own, determined to finally get his revenge on Asheron. With no distractions to slow him down, Bael’Zharon was progressing on his massive culmination of energy far faster than his enemy.

Deewain saw the impending disaster about to strike the only Empyrean to ever accept him. The ground shook as the stone golem charged toward Asheron. Bael’Zharon sent his projectile hurtling toward Asheron, but Deewain managed to step into its path.

The immense energy shattered the magical bond which held the boulders of Deewain together. His chest crashed down into a group of shadows. His arm flew off, cutting through Isin Dule and Ler Rhan, before it smashed into the tower on the hill. The top of the tower tumbled into the ground, the building destroyed.

The intervention allowed Asheron enough time to finish his spell. As he sent the spell into action, the vortex shrunk down ever smaller until it disappeared completely. Bael’Zharon roared as he flickered from existence, trapped securely in his prison once again.

Ler Rhan upon seeing his plan defeated, headed for the protection of his spire. His minions, unsure of what to do, fell back from the remaining forces of light. Asheron walked over to Deewain’s torso. The first of Deewain’s boulders slid back and reconnected with his body.

“Thank you friend, this wouldn’t have been possible without you. Will you be alright?”

“Yes, my bonds are stronger now than ever before. It would take far more than that to destroy me.” Another one of his boulders scrapped along the road towards him. Asheron looked over the land that was once the town of Tou-Tou. Not a building remained. The land was scorched, the bodies were many. The Banderling statue reached up into the smoke filled air.

Isin Dule joined his ally’s side, “You know they will try again. Ler Rhan won’t stop trying until either Bael’Zharon returns for good, or he has died trying to make it happen.”

Asheron looked over at the green sword stuck into the ground, a circle of fallen shadows surrounding it, “I agree. We have done what we need to for now. Another battle for another day.”

Rollout Article

No rollout article this month.

Release Notes

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September 2011 Release Notes

Greeting and welcome to the September 2011 release notes!

This month the Asheron’s Call team brings you some new items in addition to fixes to previously released content. There are changes to the PvP Arena and the addition of a new PvP dungeon. Read on for a better idea of what will be available when the September Event goes live.

  • Quests of the Month updated
    • Necklace of Elemental Adept
    • Necklace of Golden Flame
    • Darling's Collar Quest
  • Montly kill task updated.
  • 5 Contracts have been added
    • Tentacles of T'thuun (AKA Blightfinger)
    • Gear Knight Excavation
    • Nexus Crawl
    • Jester Released
    • Vision Quest
  • Upgrades to the Derethian Combat Arena weapons.
  • Fixed the Bur Recall quest to prevent the possibility that someone could complete the quest but fail to get the Bur Recall scroll.
  • New alternate PvP dungeon called the Derethian Combat Pit.
  • New PvP events in the Arena and Pit that change the number of luminance statues based on time.
  • Mhoire Colo fight rebalances.
  • Mhoire Castle tweaks.
  • Adjusted the range of Flame blasts & Nether blast spells to be consistent with other blast spells.
  • Adjusted level & XP of Telumiat Hollow Minion to be in line with new creature xp curve.
  • Jester fixed so that nether resistance is normalized to match other spells (fire still does more).
  • Sturdy Bloodstone wand's life magic req's lowered.
  • Fix to a male Sho eye style that had issues with textured hair
  • Undead can now visibly display Hoods, Coifs, Basinets, Baighas and Cowls.
  • Fix to the Dark Isle turn-in NPCs. When completing the turn in for a piece of armor with a single essence, the NPCs would try to take 10 essences from the player.
  • Wrapped fletching components are now all consistently unsellable.
  • Fixed Branwyn to check for full inventory before giving quest reward.
  • Fixed Surloshen Realaidain to check for full inventory before giving quest reward.
  • Added a Shadowfire Life wand.

So these are just some of the things we have in store for Asheron's Call in September. Please remember that along with everything listed here, there are several new quests and exciting things going into the game for the September Event.

Developer Comments

No Developer Comments this Month.