Seed of Power

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Walk Through ___ Maps ___ Items ___ XP ___ Images ___ Lore & Dialog ___
Quest Summary
Quest Type: Solo/Group
Start Location: 63.1S, 65.5W near Center of Obsidian Plains
Timer: 20 hours
Time to Complete: 30 minutes
Level Restrictions: 180+
Level Suggestions: 180+
Rewards Summary
Full details here
Lightning Cloud,
4 Aged Legendary Keys
MMDs: 7
Luminance: 15,000
Max XP:
Full details here
Titles: None
Related Articles
Introduced In: Feelings of Dread
Updated In: Emotions Unbound
Shattered Masks

Quest Overview

Help the Virindi Delegate investigate strange power surges emanating from the Obsidian Plains.

This quest preceded the arrival of the Rynthid Virindi on the Obsidian Plains. As a result, getting into the dungeon portals is now more dangerous.

In terms of lore, the Mysterious Portal at the end of this quest is the access point through which the Rynthid Virindi entered Dereth.

Walk Through

  1. Optional: Talk to the Virindi Delegate located at the Encampment near Rynthid Infested Plains.
  2. Head west to the Rynthid Crystal Access Device at 63.1S, 65.5W. It is surrounded by 3 dungeons, all are lvl 180+ and cannot be tied/summoned.
    • It is best to stop about half a click from the dungeons as they are surrounded by Rynthid Virindi. Then you can quickly run to the correct portal.
  3. You will need to enter 3 dungeons (Seed of Anger, Seed of Misery, and Seed of Hatred) and collect 1 Splinter at the end of each one. You receive partial rewards for each splinter turned in. Turning in all 3 grants access to the final dungeon.
    • Note: The order in which you complete the dungeons is optional.

Seed of Anger

  1. This dungeon is completely linear and has no traps. Proceed through a series of rooms with Virindi, Hollow Minions, and portal-looking doors. To open them, simply hit the lever in the alcove nearby.
  2. After the 4th lever room, you will come to a final room containing more Virindi and Hollow Minions and a Disciple of Anger.
  3. Kill the disciple and loot a Splinter of Anger from the floor (9 spawn).
  4. Now you can take the splinter back to the Virindi Delegate or proceed to the other dungeons you have not completed yet.
    • Warning: The surface portal is a hot drop with Rynthid Virindi! Use caution if using it to quickly get to the other dungeons.

Seed of Misery

  1. This dungeon is also linear, and has a number of large rooms with virindi and lightning pillars in them.
  2. Do not fight in the rooms, simply run through the large rooms, and follow the hall. The hall appears to split after each room, but in fact one route dead ends shortly. If needed, you can pause in the hallways to dispel vulns.
    • Exit 1st big room to the north, go west
    • Exit 2nd big room to the east, go north
    • Exit 3rd big room to the south, go west
    • Exit 4th big room to the south, go east
  3. After the 4th large room is a smaller one with Chorizite Pillars, more Virindi Confer and a blue Hollow Servitor.
  4. Kill the servitor to open the door to the east leading to the final room. Use the hallway outside the room for protection/cover if necessary.
  5. In the final room kill the Disciple of Misery and loot a Splinter of Misery from the floor.
  6. Now you can take the splinter back to the Virindi Delegate or proceed to the other dungeons you have not completed yet.
    • Warning: The surface portal is a hot drop with Rynthid Virindi! Use caution if using it to quickly get to the other dungeons.

Seed of Hatred

  1. The dungeon path splits early to the east and to the west. Which way you go does not matter, as the 2 paths meet up later on.
  2. From the drop, head east (or west) through 2 large rooms with more Lightning Pillars and Virindi, until you come to the smaller 3rd room, which has a killable door.
  3. Killing the door opens the hall to reveal a jump. A little more than a tap jump will get you across safely.
    • Warning: Do NOT use a full power jump! You will hit the ceiling above and fall down into the pit. There is no way out of the pit below, and if you are vulned the floor will deal SERIOUS lightning damage!
  4. After making the jump, follow the hall north to a large room with very bright lights. This room has a number of giant pits you must now jump across.
  5. You must do 2 jumps, both of which are the same distance. With 550 jump skill, a regular half power jump will work. If your jump is lower or higher, adjust accordingly.
    • Note: If you fall, follow the hall back to the start of the dungeon. It is very possible to overshoot the jumps! If you are worried about overshooting, jump at a slight angle to give yourself more landing space.
  6. After the 2 jumps, continue south down the hall to the final room with the Disciple of Hatred and his minions. Kill the Disciple of Hatred and loot a Splinter of Hatred.
  7. Now you can take the splinter back to the Virindi Delegate or proceed to the other dungeons you have not completed yet.
    • Warning: The surface portal is a hot drop with Rynthid Virindi! Use caution if using it to quickly get to the other dungeons.

Rynthid Access Dungeon

  1. Once you have all 3 splinters, head to the Virindi Delegate located up at the Encampment near Rynthid Infested Plains to hand them in.
    • Note: Each splinter is worth 3,000 Luminance and 25,000,000 XP reward, as well as 1 Aged Legendary Key and 1 MMD, so equip any experience trinkets before handing them in.
  2. The Virindi Delegate will hand back a “Focused” version of each Splinter.
  3. Take the Focused Splinter of Hatred, Focused Splinter of Misery and Focused Splinter of Anger back to the Rynthid Crystal Access Device at 63.1S, 65.5W.
  4. Hand any 1 of the “Focused” Splinters to the device to be portaled to the Rynthid Access Dungeon (the device will take all 3 Focused Splinters when you hand 1 in).
    • Note: If you die at any point after handing in the crystals, run back and use the Rynthid Crystal Access Device again at 63.1S, 65.5W to re-enter the dungeon.
  5. There are no enemies inside this dungeon, only traps that must be avoided.
    • Note: To the south of the drop is where you will be portaled if you mess up on the maze trap later in the dungeon.
  6. Head north through 2 very long rooms with lightning pillar traps. Strafe run to try to avoid getting hit by too many spells.
  7. Dispel and heal as necessary, then proceed into the 3rd long room. In this room there are floor traps as well as lightning war spells. In the first half of the room are stamina draining traps and in the second half are traps which cast Weight of Eternity (300% burden) on you! Stay healed as much as possible and wait in the hallway beyond for any debuffs to expire.
  8. Next, head through several hallways with the lightning traps that can be avoided. Then STOP before entering the next large room!
  9. The next large room (with red lightning coursing over the ground) is the final trial.
    • Note: If you fail this puzzle, you will be portaled to a small room leading to the start of the dungeon and have to run back.
  10. In this room, you must walk ONLY where the lightning goes (it does not hurt). You can move even if there is no lightning visible, as long as you don’t stray off of the lightnings path. Take your time and go SLOW. You will traverse the entire room on your way across.
    • Note: There is a Chorizite Chest in this room in the corner opposite of the exit hallway.
    • Note: Do not try to jump! There is an invisible ceiling and you will simply be portaled back to the start of the dungeon.
  11. After crossing the room safely, talk to the Mysterious Portal in the next room (be careful of the 2 pillars in the room as well).
  12. The portal will give you a Lightning Cloud and then drop you in the desert near Candeth Keep.
  13. Return once more to the Virindi Delegate and talk to it to receive an additional 6,000 Luminance, 1 Aged Legendary Key, 4 MMDs, and 50,000,000 XP.
  14. He will also give you a lightning cloud which can be placed on housing roof hooks (it can no longer be wielded by characters).


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps Other Quests
Seed of Anger 63.1S, 65.6W 5873.png -- -- --
Seed of Misery 63.1S, 65.4W 5872.png -- -- --
Seed of Hatred 63.1S, 65.5W 5871.png -- -- --
Rynthid Access Dungeon 63.1S, 65.5W 5874.png -- -- --

Items and Objects

Quest Items
Splinter of Anger
Splinter of Misery
Splinter of Hatred

Focused Splinter of Anger
Focused Splinter of Misery
Focused Splinter of Hatred

Aged Legendary Key
Lightning Cloud

Chorizite Chest

Experience Rewards

Task Required Max Experience Percentage & Level Cap
Turn in all 3 Splinters and talk to the Virindi Delegate after receiving a Lightning Cloud from the Mysterious Portal. 125,000,000xp

??% up to level ??

See Level Costs for per level information.


Click image for full size version.

Lore & Dialog

Talking to Virindi Delegate:
Virindi Delegate tells you, "Greetings. With the Curator banished to the furthest regions of portalspace, this land will be free of that demented and twisted vision of enlightenment."
Virindi Delegate tells you, "The Council is extremely concerned about a powerful energy rippling through the Obsidian Plains region of the Direlands, the force of which is unlike anything Dereth has seen before."
Virindi Delegate tells you, "Venture nearby into the center of the Obsidian Plains and discover what the cause is. Time is of the essence, we must hurry."

Killing the Disciple of Hatred:
Shards of red crystal explode outwards as the Disciple of Hatred falls to the floor.

Killing the Hollow Servitor:
The Hollow Servitor collapses. You hear the splintering of wood and crashing of metal nearby.

Killing the Disciple of Anger:
Shards of blue crystal explode outwards as the Disciple of Anger falls to the floor.

Killing the Disciple of Misery:
Shards of purple crystal explode outwards as the Disciple of Misery falls to the floor.

Giving the Splinter of Anger:
You allow Virindi Delegate to examine your Splinter of Anger.
You hand over 1 of your Splinter of Angers.
Virindi Delegate tells you, "This is as the Council feared. Raw emotion being channeled into the Curator's lackeys."
Virindi Delegate tells you, "The potential for disaster with an entity fueled by pure anger is unthinkable."
A blue light quickly flashes from behind the Virindi Delegate's mask.
Virindi Delegate tells you, "The power within the splinter has been focused within this fragment. Use this splinter to eliminate any remnant of the Curator of Torment's existence on Dereth."
You've earned 25,000,000 experience.
You've earned 3,000 Luminance.
Virindi Delegate gives you Aged Legendary Key.
Virindi Delegate gives you Focused Splinter of Anger.
Virindi Delegate gives you Trade Note (250,000).

Giving the Splinter of Hatred:
You allow Virindi Delegate to examine your Splinter of Hatred.
You hand over 1 of your Splinter of Hatreds.
Virindi Delegate tells you, "This is just as the Council feared. Raw emotion being channeled into the Curator's lackeys."
Virindi Delegate tells you, "The chaos that a being infused with pure hatred could cause is unimaginable."
A red light quickly flashes from behind the Virindi Delegate's mask.
Virindi Delegate tells you, "The power within the splinter has been focused within this fragment. We should be able to use this energy to further our cause and remove all signs that the Curator of Torment ever corrupted Dereth."
You've earned 25,000,000 experience.
You've earned 3,000 Luminance.
Virindi Delegate gives you Aged Legendary Key.
Virindi Delegate gives you Focused Splinter of Hatred.
Virindi Delegate gives you Trade Note (250,000).

Giving the Splinter of Misery:
You allow Virindi Delegate to examine your Splinter of Misery.
You hand over 1 of your Splinter of Miserys.
Virindi Delegate tells you, "This is as the Council feared. Raw emotion being channeled into the Curator's lackeys."
Virindi Delegate tells you, "Channeling pure misery into a Virindi would have created a being determined to spread agony to all the creatures of this land."
A purple light quickly flashes from behind the Virindi Delegate's mask.
Virindi Delegate tells you, "The power within the splinter has been focused within this fragment. We must find a way to use this newly contained energy to scrub the land clean of the Curator's twisted visions."
You've earned 25,000,000 experience.
You've earned 3,000 Luminance.
Virindi Delegate gives you Aged Legendary Key.
Virindi Delegate gives you Focused Splinter of Misery.
Virindi Delegate gives you Trade Note (250,000).

After giving all 3 Splinters:
Virindi Delegate tells you, "The power harnessed within the three crystals appear to be connected. It is almost as if they are...communicating with each other."
Virindi Delegate tells you, "It is imperative that we discover a way to use these focused energies to destroy whatever the Curator was planning. Never have I observed the Council express such concern."

Giving Focused Splinters to Rynthid Crystal Access Device:
You give Rynthid Crystal Access Device Focused Splinter of Hatred.
A bright light burns your eyes and blinds you momentarily.
You hand over all of your Focused Splinter of Angers.
You hand over all of your Focused Splinter of Hatreds.
You hand over all of your Focused Splinter of Miserys.

Talking to Lightning Cloud at the end:
A voice whispers softly in your mind, "A gift, to remind you of your impending fate. Be afraid fragile one..."
Mysterious Portal gives you Lightning Cloud.

Talking to Virindi Delegate after talking to Lightning Cloud:
You inform the Virindi Delegate of your discovery within the Obsidian Plains.
Virindi Delegate tells you, "This is disturbing news. These beings you described, if they are allowed to reach Dereth, chaos and destruction will sweep across the land like a plague. I will deliver this latest information to the Council."
You've earned 50,000,000 experience.
You've earned 6,000 Luminance.
Virindi Delegate gives you Aged Legendary Key.
Virindi Delegate gives you 4 Trade Notes (250,000).

Retired Text
Vision of Horror tells you, "Greetings. The Council was wise in their banishment of the Curator of Torment, but a worthy ally was lost due to the Curator's trickery and deception."
Vision of Horror tells you, "It is unfortunate that our discovery was presented to the Council too late to save the Reaver from an unjustified fate. We must not let the loss be in vain."
Vision of Horror tells you, "A region inside of the Obsidian Plains is boiling with a powerful energy unlike anything Dereth has seen before. The Council is deeply concerned and requests your assistance once again."
Vision of Horror tells you, "Journey nearby, to the center of the Obsidian Plains and find the cause. There is no time to lose, you must make haste."

You allow Vision of Horror to examine your Splinter of Misery.
You hand over 1 of your Splinter of Miserys.
Vision of Horror tells you, "This is as the Council feared. Raw emotion being channeled into the Curator's lackeys."
Vision of Horror tells you, "Channeling pure misery into a Virindi would have created a being determined to spread agony to all the creatures of this land."
A purple light quickly flashes from behind the Vision of Horror's mask.
Vision of Horror tells you, "The power within the splinter has been focused within this fragment. We must find a way to use this newly contained energy to scrub the land clean of the Curator's twisted visions."
You've earned 25,000,000 experience.
You've earned 3,000 Luminance.
Vision of Horror gives you 5 Legendary Tokens.
Vision of Horror gives you Focused Splinter of Misery.

You allow Vision of Horror to examine your Splinter of Hatred.
You hand over 1 of your Splinter of Hatreds.
Vision of Horror tells you, "This is just as the Council feared. Raw emotion being channeled into the Curator's lackeys."
Vision of Horror tells you, "The chaos that a being infused with pure hatred could cause is unimaginable."
A red light quickly flashes from behind the Vision of Horror's mask.
Vision of Horror tells you, "The power within the splinter has been focused within this fragment. We should be able to use this energy to further our cause and remove all signs that the Curator of Torment ever corrupted Dereth."
You've earned 25,000,000 experience.
You've earned 3,000 Luminance.
Vision of Horror gives you 5 Legendary Tokens.
Vision of Horror gives you Focused Splinter of Hatred.
You inform the Vision of Horror of your discovery within the Obsidian Plains.
Vision of Horror tells you, "This is disturbing news. These beings you described, if they are allowed to reach Dereth, chaos and destruction will sweep across the land like a plague. I will deliver this latest information to the Council."

You allow Vision of Horror to examine your Splinter of Anger.
You hand over 1 of your Splinter of Angers.
Vision of Horror tells you, "Vision of Horror tells you, "This is as the Council feared. Raw emotion being channeled into the Curator's lackeys."
Vision of Horror tells you, "The potential for disaster with an entity fueled by pure anger is unthinkable."
A red light quickly flashes from behind the Vision of Horror's mask.
Vision of Horror tells you, "The power within the splinter has been focused within this fragment. Use this splinter to eliminate any remnant of the Curator of Torment's existence on Dereth."
You've earned 25,000,000 experience.
You've earned 3,000 Luminance.
Vision of Horror gives you 5 Legendary Tokens.
Vision of Horror gives you Focused Splinter of Anger.
Vision of Horror tells you, "The power harnessed within the three crystals appear to be connected. It is almost as if they are...communicating with each other."
Vision of Horror tells you, "It is imperative that we discover a way to use these focused energies to destroy whatever the Curator was planning. Never have I observed the Council express such concern."

You give Rynthid Crystal Access Device Focused Splinter of Anger.
A bright light burns your eyes and blinds you momentarily.
You hand over all of your Focused Splinter of Angers.
You hand over all of your Focused Splinter of Hatreds.
You hand over all of your Focused Splinter of Miserys.

You inform the Vision of Horror of your discovery within the Obsidian Plains.
Vision of Horror tells you, "This is disturbing news. These beings you described, if they are allowed to reach Dereth, chaos and destruction will sweep across the land like a plague. I will deliver this latest information to the Council."
You've earned 50,000,000 experience.
You've earned 6,000 Luminance.
Vision of Horror gives you 5 Legendary Tokens.

Vision of Horror tells you, "The details of your recent findings have been sent to the Council. They are grateful for your aid."
You may repeat this quest in 12d 22h 39m 27s.

Vision of Horror tells you, "I see you've proven your abilities to us in the past. Accept this key as a reward for your services."
You hand over 20 of your Legendary Tokens.
Vision of Horror gives you Aged Legendary Key.
