SusieQue's Colo Guide

Some things have changed with the way we run Colo on Solclaim with new weapons and such that can effectively and consistently win Colo without the use of rares. The following is how I do my runs - I hope this helps others feel more prepared and get more involved in Colo Runs!
I have uploaded the guide in Excel format which can be downloaded from the following link: [1] This is handy to print out and keep nearby when on a run.
I have also uploaded the XML file that the Decal Plugin "Call It" uses for efficiently calling each spawn according to the strategy listed below. The file is called Quests.xml and it can be downloaded here: [2]. To use it you will need to download the "Call It" plugin using this link: [3] . Once installed, you will need to replace the existing xml file it uses, with the one I provided above. In Vista, the Quests file for "Call It" can be found at C:\ProgramData\Gouruware\CalIt (I believe the ProgramData folder is a hidden folder by default)
The Following is the basic strategy we use:
You should separate your fellow into two teams, EAST and WEST. The archers/mages should be even distributed to each team. When the formation calls for Teams, all the people on each side of the room should be standing ON THE RING ON THE FLOOR, and they should look like ONE PERSON (all should be standing on top of one another - mages might have to maneuver just a touch to ensure their TF's are flowing smoothly). When the formation calls for SPREAD, the entire fellow should be standing ON THE RING evenly spread out in a circle. WEST SPREAD formation means all along the west side of the room near the ring. WEST means that the ENTIRE FELLOW should be standing on the West side, on the ring, looking like ONE PERSON. When the formation is SW CORNER, all the mages should be as far into the corner as possible, while the archers need to QUICKLY form a wall in front of the mages. SW & NE CORNERS means the East team will stand in the NE corner ON THE RING on the floor, not necessarily in a tight formation, while the West team will be in the SW corner ON THE RING on the floor in the same fashion. NORTH SPREAD is same as West spread, only along the North wall.
In case you aren't familiar with the term TF, it stands for Tusker Fists.
We usually take no more than one melee at a time using this strategy. I know there are other strategies that ppl use, and I'm always up for learning! But this is how we regularly win colo and I just thought I'd share. I hope this is helpful to others, and GOOD LUCK!!
The following is a list of the weapons you will need to acquire to follow the above strategy:
Archers will need:
PIERCE REND - Mukkir Slayer ( [4] )
FIRE REND - Undead Slayer ( [5] )
WEEPING BOW ( [6] ) AND ( [7] (ACID)
UPGRADED SING WEAPON ( [8] ) (At LEAST Ultimate, preferably Upgraded as soon as you can)
Arrows they need to have in supply:
FIRE - Deadly
PIERCE - Deadly
SLASH - Deadly
BLUDGE - Deadly {or} Preferably Greater Deadly Blunt Arrowheads purchased from Colosseum Coin Collector located in the Colo Lobby (purchased with Colo Coins)
FROST - Deadly {or} Preferably Spectral Chill Arrowheads purchased from Hurnmel the Smith located in the GY Recall Bunker (only at night) located at 65.4S 44.0W (purchased with Ancient Mhoire Coins)
ACID - Deadly {or} Preferably Greater Olthoi Heads purchased Hisham al-Evv located at Olthoi North at 43.8N 54.9E (purchased with Olthoi Venom Sacs)
LIGHT - Deadly {or} Preferably Raider Lightning Arrowheads purchased from Purser Jak Halftoes found inside Freebooter Keep located at 64.0S 97.5E on Freebooter Isle (purchased with regular Pyreals) Map to FB Black Market ~OR~ from Purser Narissa Pelton found inside Northwatch Castle located at 81.5N 25.0E - inside cave. Map to NW Black Market (purchased with regular pyreals)
Mages will need:
Tusker Fists
CS FROST (Critical Strike Imbue)
CS FIRE (Critical Strike Imbue)
CS BLUDGE (Critical Strike Imbue)
BLUDGE REND - Undead Slayer ( [11] )
BLUDGE REND - Mukkir Slayer ( [12] )
WEEPING WAND ( [13] ) AND ( [14] )
SING WAND ( [17] ) (At LEAST Ultimate, preferably Upgraded as soon as you can)
Melees will need:
PIERCE REND - Mukkir Slayer ( [19] )
FIRE REND - Undead Slayer ( [20] )
WEEPING WEAPON ( [21] ) AND ( [22] ) (ACID)
UPGRADED SING WEAPON ( [23] ) (At LEAST Ultimate, preferably Upgraded as soon as you can)
--SusieQue 03:38, July 20, 2010 (UTC)SusieQue