The Stag of Bellenesse

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From the Heritage Masks collection, introduced in during the Dance of the Dead event.

The Stag of Bellenesse.
The Stag of Bellenesse
Value: 4,000
800 Burden Units
An amazing example of Viamontian High Heraldry, depticting the Silver Stag of the House of Bellenesse.

Armor Level: 270
Covers Head

Casts the following spells: Armor Tinkering Expertise Self VI, Impentrability VI, Armor Self VI, Fealty Self VI, Invulnerability Self VI

Armor Level: 270
Slashing: Above Average (378)
Piercing: Above Average (324)
Bludgeoning: Above Average (378)
Fire: Above Average (324)
Cold: Above Average (324)
Acid: Above Average (378)
Electric: Average (270)

Activation Requirements: Archane Lore: 200, Viamontian
Spellcraft: 300
Mana: 600
Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.
