Timber Siraluun Claw
- Random trophy dropped by Timber Siraluun that spawn on Marae Lassel.
- Does not stack.
- Give to Aun Mareura the Collector in Timaru for the Timber Siraluun Matihao UA weapon and 3,750xp.
- Reward updated from 2,500 xp to 3,750 xp during the Learning From Experience patch
- You give Aun Mareura the Collector Timber Siraluun Claw.
- Aun Mareura the Collector tells you, "Thank you! I have always enjoyed making weapons from the claws of the fearsome Siraluun. Let me make you a weapon out of this claw."
- Aun Mareura the Collector gives you Timber Siraluun Matihao.
- You've earned 3,899 experience.
- Aun Mareura the Collector tells you, "If you happen upon another of these claws and you do not wish for a weapon, I suggest you visit Merlonna Farel in the town of Bluespire. When last I ventured into that town, she mentioned in passing that she knew of someone who was looking for these claws as well."
- Hand to Hea Riketura in Ahurenga for 3,750 xp, a Peerless Healing Kit, a High Mana Charge, and 2 Silver Peas.
- Reward updated from 2,500 xp to 3,750 xp during the Learning From Experience patch
- You give Hea Riketura the Collector Timber Siraluun Claw.
- Hea Riketura the Collector tells you, "Such a beautiful specimen--thank you. These will fetch a fine price when I journey to sell them on the mainland."
- You've earned 3,899 experience.
- Hea Riketura the Collector gives you Peerless Healing Kit.
- Hea Riketura the Collector gives you High Mana Charge.
- Hea Riketura the Collector gives you 2 Silver Peas.
- Hea Riketura the Collector tells you, "I'm always looking for more. Come back should you find another."
- You can also craft it using a given tinkering skill (Item Tinkering, Armor Tinkering, Magic Item Tinkering, or Weapon Tinkering) and turn it in to one of the Aun Tumerok NPCs on the stone platform in Bluespire to receive 100,000xp towards your skill. See the Siraluun Claw Crafters quest write-up for details.
- The claw is also one of the Cottage Purchase Items.