Training Academy Quest
Walk Through
- Speak with the Society Greeter, hand her your Calling Stone, then use the door to the East.
- [OPTIONAL] If you wish to skip the tutorial, take the door to the North and speak with Jonathan to receive an Academy Exit Token. Hand it back to him to exit the Training Academy.
- Speak with Samuel.
- Find all 3 pieces of armor and return them to Samuel:
- Leather Cap - South Room
- Leather Gauntlets - North Room
- Leather Leggings - South Room
- Use the door to the East and speak with the Training Master.
- Kill a Sparring Golem, loot an Academy Token from its corpse, and return it to the Training Master.
- Now enter the Central Courtyard portal to the right and speak with the Academy Foreman.
- File:Academy Exit Token icon.png Academy Exit Token
- File:Academy Token icon.png Academy Token
Calling Stone
Pathwarden Token
Letter From Home
- File:Restoring the Training Academies icon.png Restoring the Training Academies
Combat and Spellcasting Guide
Guide to Healing
Guide to Raising Skills and Attributes
- File:Carpenter Wasp Wing icon.png Carpenter Wasp Wing
Lore and Dialogue
Samuel tells you, "Looks like you need some armor! There are 3 different pieces of armor here. Can you find them all? Double-click on me again when you are done."
Samuel tells you, "You found some armor! To equip your armor, drag it from your backpack onto your paperdoll. You can wear armor over your clothes, but you cannot wear a piece of armor over another piece of armor."
Samuel tells you, "You may now proceed to the Training Area."
Training Master tells you, "As you proceed through the Training Area, warriors should read the signs on the left. Spellcasters should read the signs on the right."
Training Master tells you, "The signs will tell you how to retrieve the Academy Token. Bring that token back to me."
You give Training Master Academy Token.
Training Master tells you, "Excellent work! You have completed your combat training! You may now take the portal to the Central Courtyard. Once you have teleported to the Central Courtyard, speak to the Academy Foreman to continue your training."
Academy Foreman tells you, "Help has arrived at last! Quickly, Carpenter Wasps have infested my woodpile! There are so many of them; could you help me clear out a few? They are here through this door beside me. If you bring me one of their wings to prove that you have taken some of them out, I will surely reward you."