From the Slaying Pookie and Bunny Slippers (Quest) quest introduced in The First Strike.
White Bunny Slippers
White Bunny Slippers
Value: 0 350 Burden Units
A pair of white bunny slippers. This item can be used on an item hook.
Armor Level: 30 ()
Covers Feet
Casts the following spells: Jump Mast Self VI, Sprint Self VI
Armor Level: 30 ()
Slashing: Below Average (12) ()
Piercing: Below Average (12) ()
Bludgeoning: Below Average (12) ()
Fire: Below Average (12) ()
Cold: Below Average (12) ()
Acid: Below Average (12) ()
Electric: Below Average (12) ()
Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 225
Spellcraft: 30
Mana: 500
Mana Cost: 1 point per 18 seconds.
Spell Descriptions:
- Unfortunately, after Throne of Destiny, the slippers weren't so much white, but grey.