Wiki Swiss Tool/Change Log

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Revision as of 03:26, 11 January 2010 by imported>Tlosk (Created page with '{{RightToC}} == Change Log == === Version 1.07 === * 2010-01-22 (Scheduled) '''''Fixed:''''' :* Quest template update issue with nonmatching name. '''''Added:''''' :* OCR Func…')
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Change Log

Version 1.07

  • 2010-01-22 (Scheduled)


  • Quest template update issue with nonmatching name.


  • OCR Function that converts any ID Panel from in game to selectable/editable text. One button template loading for several of the more common templates (NPC, Trophy, Creature, Weapons, Armor, Jewelery) that populates as much of the template as possible using the values extracted from the ID Panel.
  • Dungeon Map inking utility that works in conjunction with MiniMap to quickly layout and color dungeon maps.
  • RGB Hex Color value calculator that converts between the two and identifies sample colors.
  • Simple wikibot functions that works with dump files available weekly to search multiple categories, identify pages that satisfy specific criteria, and populate spreadsheet tables with specified parameter values for a large number of pages. For example you could create a table of the names, coordinates, level reqs, and associated quests for all dungeons.
  • Find and replace functionality that allows for multiple simultaneous operations and handles special characters (tabs, new lines, nonbreaking spaces).
  • Expanded clipboard.
  • Landblock locator and coordinate conversion.
  • Two click image category loading.

Version 1.06

  • 2009-07-13


  • A bug was inserting an extraneous space into the names of added templates, causing them not to load correctly the next time the program was run.

Version 1.05

  • 2009-07-10


  • Autoname file option only worked for the Stats panel, now works for the Live panel also.
  • Option added to not save stats panel (so you can save only the icon if desired).
  • Autocopy File Name will now be disabled anytime Autoname is turned on to allow multiple operations with the same image.
  • Right clicking any Live Shot button now previews the same as right clicking a Panel button (enters free crop mode).
  • Changed the dialog for replacing an item on the expanded clipboard from Yes/No to Ok/Cancel which now lets you hit ESC to cancel.
  • In the settings panel, changing the file type for Live shots was tied to the wrong jpg quality box for disabling.
  • Modified the autoname option so that unlikely but possible name collisions can no longer occur.


  • Most templates have been significantly updated. Several new templates have also been added.
  • The text of templates can now be easily updated with the most recent versions from the wiki itself. Copy the entire text of Wiki Swiss Tool/Page Templates then click the Update Templates button under the Tools tab.
  • Level VIII spell icon added to merge section.
  • Due to the template change that now wiki links spells instead of listing their descriptions on each item's page, the spell format function has been removed and replaced with a wiki links format function. This takes a list of comma delimited items and places them in wiki links (double brackets). This will be useful in updating old items to conform to the new style. The alternate function (right clicking) will take a line break or comma delimited list and convert it into a bulleted list of wiki links.
  • Alternate template names now appear in popup tool tips when mouse hovers over a template button.
  • A Free Crop button on the Live panel that allows you to crop an arbitrarily sized image (click Free Crop button at bottom, click on image where a corner of the crop should be, hold button and drag cursor to the desired size of the crop area, release mouse button to complete crop).
  • Option to save the clipboard contents on exiting the program, these items will be reloaded the next time the program is run. This is useful if you often load the same items into the expanded clipboard, or if you need to stop working for a while and want to resume where you left off.
  • Replaced the Reload button on the templates section of Text with a multi-use button. Use the drop down menu on the right side of the button to select any of a number of less frequently used templates, including the Reload function. Select the desired template/function from the list. Selecting from the menu performs the action, but for repeated use the multi-use button can be pressed to do the action again. You can easily add new templates or frequently used blocks of text using the Add Expanded Template from the drop down menu.
  • A filter tool that creates a png Spawn Map for new creatures or to update an existing spawn map. See above for details. Transparency must be adjusted manually, this may be added in a future revision.
  • A formatting tool that converts one or more sets of coordinates into a Template:Map Point or Template:Map Point Plus.
  • Under the options tab you can now specify the program should always be on top, and can be transparent (adjust the transparency level by clicking the Alpha button next to it and setting the Opacity Value as a number between 1 and 255, the lower the number the more transparent it will be).
  • For high health destructible items logged text can be converted to an approximate health (doesn't account for regeneration).
  • Option added to the options panel to hide popup tool tips.

Version 1.04

  • 2008-8-22


  • Composite icons now correctly save as 32x32 instead of 480x480.


  • Tools tab added for misc functions and calculators (more to be added in the future). The tools tab is now hotkey 5, and Options has been moved to 6.
  • Backgrounds for spell icons added for I to VII and self icon.
  • Many more spell descriptions added, including most I to VI spells, self other and vuln.
  • When using composite icon squares (gray squares in the middle of the Merge tab), dragging and dropping other background tiles would always replace the image before, now holding the SHIFT key while doing so will merge (combine the two). Currently the only image this would be useful for is the Self Icon. Files dropped will always merge.
  • Right clicking the Spells button in the Format Text section on the Text tab now places all comma delimited items into Wiki link brackets (if a single item places that item in brackets). For example copying "Brilliance, Concentration" then right clicking Spells gives "[[Brilliance]], [[Concentration]]" and can be used in a variety of contexts.
  • A buffed armor calculator added to Tools tab. Useful for calculating the protection words (average, excellent, etc) and buffed values. Begin by entering the AL in the top box, use tab to jump to the next box and enter the impenetrability value (for example 220 for Brogard's Defiance), then the base values for the seven damage types. Click the Wiki Code button for pastable text to replace that section in the Armor or Shield template. (The first armor value line will need to be changed manually since it is repeated and there is unrelated information on the lines in between.) This just saves some typing time and is useful if you don't have the item to wield or cannot meet the reqs to wield.
  • The rounding of the % of level xp on the Tools tab changed from one decimal place to two in order to give greater confidence when looking for max out levels.

Version 1.03

  • 2008-07-17


  • Corrected minor bug with new windowed/fullscreen selection section.

Version 1.02

  • 2008-07-17


  • Dialog now opens properly for custom size on Panel.
  • Able to copy multiline dialog text and lines break correctly (no longer need to paste in edit box and recopy first).
  • When in windowed mode, if icon from ID panel doesn't match up correctly (for example with Vista), now able to customize the icon location in the Options section.
  • Edge effects now work correctly for multiple image icon construction.


  • Able to drag and drop in game AC screen captures (found in Asheron's Call folder in My Documents, for example ScreenShot00003.jpg). Can extract a stats panel and icon or crop a live shot. Drop file onto the button you'd normally press. For example, if you are going to crop a 200x300 live shot, open the Live section and drop your jpg file onto the 200 300 button and the screen shot will appear with the crop box ready to go at 200x300 pixels.
  • The expanded clipboard now supports images as well as text. A small snippet from the middle of the image will appear on the button.
  • A percent of level calculator added. Located in the Options section. Allows a quick percent of level calculation given level and xp reward.
  • Option to automatically copy the file name onto the clipboard after saving a file (making it easier to find the file in the upload browse dialog).
  • More spells to the descriptions formatting, many more need to be added though.
  • Right clicking Redirect format button now formats with [[Category:Text]].

Version 1.01

  • 2008-06-29
  • Initial Release