Zogblaster Archive/Heritage Groups/Aluvian/Aluvian Factions

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Original Link - http://www.zogblaster.com/tweb/asherons-call/heritagegroups/index.htm

Aluvian Factions

Here are some of the historic organizations known to have existed in the homelands of the Aluvians. How will these groups - and other groups not written of here - fare in the new land of Dereth? Your actions will doom some to the dull dust of obscurity, and raise others to the fiery glow of fame.

The King’s Men

Motto: "King above all."

Background: This is an alliance of some nobles and commoners who believe the king, as a descendent of High King Pwyll, should do away with the Aluvian feudal system of government (the Laws of Rulership) and seize direct control. They believe the king’s wisdom should prevail in all matters.

Current: Though none of the immediate Aluvian royal family has appeared in the world, believers in the reign of High King Pwyll are staunch supporters of Queen Elysa Strathelar. Should the King’s Men be re-formed in Dereth, they would surely fight to bring her reign over the entire island.

Knights of the Golden Flame

Motto: "Let Justice reign."

Background: This is the old knighthood of Aluvia. They are trained from an early age to be the judges and caretakers of the kingdom. Members of this group travel the land and offer their services as impartial judges in disputes. They also try to help those in need and right what they consider wrong. Membership is by invitation only.

Current: Queen Elysa Strathelar has made it known that she wishes the Knights of the Golden Flame to be official knights of her realm. However, because so few original Knights have arrived in Dereth, how this might become reality is still in question.

Knights of the Shield

Motto: Unknown

Background: Among the knighthood of Aluvia, there is a growing faction of those who are dissatisfied with the king’s justice, and feel that the knights should be given more power, above and beyond the current laws. A few secretly formed the Knights of the Shield, in order to better render their own justice upon the land. The Knights of the Golden Flame are officially at war against these secretive, renegade knights. However, rumors say that some Knights of the Golden Flame are actually double agents.

Current: What happens with the Knights of the Shield in Dereth is unknown.

Order of the Gauntlet

Motto: "Justice is bought with blood."

Background: On the opposite end of the spectrum from the Knights of the Shield is the Order of the Gauntlet. These knights believe that no one should be exempt from the king’s justice; the rule of law must be absolute if order is to be maintained. The justice of the Gauntlet is untempered by mercy or circumstance, and they spend a great deal of their time hunting down and slaying those who have committed crimes and escaped what the Order considers sufficient penalty. As such, the Order is highly secretive.

Current: It is thought the Order – or something like it - may be resurrected in Dereth, due to the need for harsh and strict justice. The love of a stern and unyielding justice is not an uncommon trait, after all.

League of Merchants

Motto: "Free and fair trade for all."

Background: This group was formed to help protect the merchant class from the nobility. Its primary concern is with the protection of its members and the making of profit. Members are required to pay a due, and only people who meet approval can join. The League of Merchants formed a formidable network of trading partners throughout Aluvia.

Current: Here in Dereth, merchants in general have been seriously hampered by a lack of customers, dangerous conditions, and low resources. Still, the new world is a great opportunity for commerce. Should the League become established in Dereth, surely establishment of safe pathways to other Heritage Groups’ lands, whether by road or by portal, will become a top priority.

Scholars of Pwyll

Motto: "Knowledge is that which brings wisdom."

Background: This group of sages and artists are dedicated to continuing the traditions of scholarly research and artistic exploration begun by High King Pwyll. They seek to share information among themselves and protect valuable texts and knowledge. Their exclusive library of mystical knowledge is famous throughout Aluvia. Prospective members must have a sponsor within the Guild to join.

Current: Now, old magics no longer work, and few of their old Aluvian texts have made the passage through Portalspace. Perhaps a new group of Scholars will form and re-create the traditions of their predecessors.