2006/07 - Town Raids

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Story Arc: 
Introduced: Toward Ancient Shores Previous Event - All Live Events - Next Event

Grael's forces descend upon Hebian-To!

Throughout the Toward Ancient Shores and Shattering the Dark events, Grael, Count Dardante, Commander Kurth and Ruschk Sadist Warchiefs lead raids on various towns.

Some of the leaders drop items that can be given in for unique titles and experience.

Event Dates

  • 08/19/06 - Grael Attacks Hebian-To


Live Event Items
Habrean Link
Habrean Manacle
Stone Ruschk Figure

Title Rewards

Task Required Title Reward
Give the Habrean Link to Lamorda Loschi War Beast

Give the Habrean Manacle to Lamorda Loschi Strategist

Give the Stone Ruschk Figure to Lamorda Loschi Blood Warrior

See Titles for a list of all available titles.


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Click image for full size version.

Lore & Dialog

The townsfolk of Baishi cry for assistance! Grael has …
A deep and ancient voice seems to come from the ground as it shudders.
"I have come for your lives. Be joyous that you will not see what is to become of this world. I will tear its mantle asunder and drink from its black heart!"
Grael says, "I grow tired of these games. I have had my fill!"
Grael's voice booms across the land, "I have eaten my fill of your people for now. Warn the Shining One. I will seek him out and devour his power. I leave you to my children."

You give Lamorda Loschi Stone Ruschk Figure.
Lamorda Loschi tells you, "For defeating the War Chief I grant you the fitting title of Blood Warrior."
You've earned 50,000,000 experience.
Lamorda Loschi grants you the title Blood Warrior.
