96.8S, 93.4W - Double Statue of Bael'Zharon
Two of the many statues of Bael'Zharon on the Singularity Caul, found near 96.8S, 93.4W on the edge of two cliffs.
They are facing each other, looking down at the narrow valley below.
Other unique statues are found at:
- 92.5S, 97.9W - Statue of Bael'Zharon
- 94.9S, 91.3W - Statue of Bael'Zharon
- 90.6S, 97.5W - Statue of Bael'Zharon
- 94.8S 91.0W - Entrance to Caul Asylum
- plus quite a few Stone Statue of Bael'Zharon
- On the south east side of Singularity Caul.
- no steady spawns
- ?