A Missive
Can be found on the ground along with a second Missive near the swamp temple near Yanshi at 25.5S, 46.3E
Route: Take the Yanshi portal in Shoushi at 33.5S, 73.1E then take the Swamp Temple Place portal at 10.3S, 45.7E
A Missive
A hand written note.
Torgluuk, Shipments of the materials necessary for construction of the fortress you wish to build have begun. We trust that you were able to easily dispatch the sclavus at the location you specified. We will begin making deliveries to the hold that you have described soon. A future missive will better detail the location of the way you can access this hold.
-- Niaritah
A Missive
A hand written note.
Torgluuk, Seven tenths of a compass point north and three tenths east is a small clearing. You will find the entrance there. It will be concealed so that the Isparian cannot see the entrance. If you send your workers there, they will be able to gain access into the network that we've built from our Stronghold in Linvak by using the device there.
-- Niaritah