Armor Augmentations
Related topics: Combat, Augmentation Gems, Paragon Weapons, Weapon Augmentations
Armor Augmentations allow players to permanently modify loot-generated equipment, by adding special properties or increasing stats.
Armor Augmentations
Name Effect Purchased From Cost Alternate Currency Gladiator's Defense Armor Augmentation
Use this gem on a piece of treasure-generated armor to increase its protection against bludgeon by 0.2. This will not stack with any other Armor Augmentations. Colosseum Coin Collector 15 Colosseum Coins
Olthoi Shield Armor Augmentation
Use this gem on a piece of treasure-generated armor to increase its protection against acid by 0.4%. This will not stack with any other Armor Augmentations. Hisham al-Evv 12 Small Olthoi Venom Sacs
Spectral Shield Armor Augmentation
Use this gem on a piece of treasure-generated armor to increase its protection against cold by 0.4. This will not stack with any other Armor Augmentations. Hurnmel the Smith 25 Ancient Mhoire Coins
Name Effect Quest Duration Pearl of Impenetrability
Using this gem will increase the Armor Level of all equipped armor and clothing by 1000 for 15 minutes. Rares 15 min
- Purchased armor augmentations do not stack more then once, or with each other.
- Each armor augmentation from Viridian Rise can only be applied once per piece of armor. You may stack Vitality ambers with D/DR/CD/CDR/HB Rating ambers.