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Character Advancement

Attributes - Attribute Costs - Skills - Skill Costs - Skill Credits - Level Costs - Attribute and Skill Redistribution

Attributes are the inherent characteristics of each character in Asheron's Call. All players, NPCs, and enemies have attributes. Attributes are divided into two categories: primary and secondary. There are six primary attributes: strength, endurance, coordination, quickness, focus, and self. The primary attributes are used to derive the base value of secondary attributes and most skills. Like skills, attributes can be raised by applying earned experience.

  • Primary attributes can be raised a maximum of 190 points.
  • Secondary attributes can be raised a maximum of 196 points.
  • Augmentation Gems can be used to gain an additional 50 points for primary attributes. but cannot pass 100 innate.
Primary Attributes Buffs Debuffs Max Base
Strength Strength (Spell) Weakness (Spell) 290
Endurance Endurance (Spell) Frailty (Spell) 290
Coordination Coordination (Spell) Clumsiness (Spell) 290
Quickness Quickness (Spell) Slowness (Spell) 290
Focus Focus (Spell) Bafflement (Spell) 290
Self Willpower (Spell) Feeblemind (Spell) 290
Secondary Attributes Formula Buffs Max Base
Health Endurance / 2 Health (Spell) 341
Stamina Endurance Stamina (Spell) 486
Mana Self Mana (Spell) 486