Buffslave II and Azura's Colosseum Guide
Related topics: Colosseum, Advanced Colosseum Arena
- The Colosseum runs on Darktide take a slightly different approach in a few areas, but overall tend to be nearly the same as one done in a non-PK world.
- This guide makes heavy use of quest weapons.
- This guide assumes no rares will be used, but mentioned when rares can be. A well-equipped, experienced fellowship without rares can finish with 5-7 minutes remaining.
- This walk through is designed for Darktide and high level players (nearly maxed). Some parts only work correctly with PK status. If you want PK status in a non-PK world, use /pklite.
- A good fellowship should probably have at least 5 mages, maximum of about 7, and the rest archers/melees, with strong preference for archers.
Optional Augmentations
In general, it is assumed that most PvP augmentations are already obtained, such as Asheron's Lesser Benediction. The following augmentations can help but are not necessary for a win.
Archmage's Endurance - Without this, your buffs will likely wear in the final room
Enduring Enchantment - If you die, you can immediately recall and jump back in without buffing.
Special Roles
- Pick one mage with Life Magic specialized be the "designated mage". Pick another archer/melee be his/her partner. This pair will be the "Commandos" who will take various specialized roles in the later portions of the arena.
- Pick a melee be the fellowship leader, or if there are none, an archer. See Time Savers.
Equipment plays a huge role in the success of the fellowship and its importance should not be underestimated. Most guides suggest that rares are required, but this is only the case in a poorly equipped fellowship or one that drags along lower level players. Since there is a variety of equipment needed, this section is broken down into common equipment and then class-specific equipment.
Soul Bound Weapons (Ghost Slayer)
Upgraded Ultimate Singularity Weapons (Virindi Slayer)
Lightning Rending weapon.
Fire Rending weapons with Undead Slayer. Replica BloodScorch or Great BloodScorch works but the rings can damage others, beware.
Paradox-touched Olthoi Weapons (Olthoi Slayer)
The spell Tusker Fists, failing that, Hammering Crawler.
Bludgeon Rending wand with Mukkir Slayer.
Tusker Paw Wand (Tusker Slayer)
- Full Adept's Set (and possibly Wise Set).
- Pierce Rending weapon with Mukkir Slayer, Bludgeon Rending if pierce not available.
Armor Rending Frost weapons, or Critical Strike if not available.
Slash Rending weapons.
- Will need piercing, slashing, fire, cold, and lightning arrows.
Pierce Rending weapon with Mukkir Slayer
Slash Rending weapon.
Weeping Weapons or Blighted Weapons.
Spectral Chill Arrows
Raider Lightning Arrows
In general, rares are not required for a well-equipped and experienced fellowship. The only useful rares for this run are War Magic rares, but Mana Conversion rares can improve performance when casting Tusker Fists, which uses a lot of mana. Since Spectral Rares are no-drop and very cheap to get (only two Ancient Mhoire Coins), it is nice to have them if the fellowship starts losing time. If truly desired, Blood Drinker (Spell) rares can be used, but it is suggested by the authors that these be saved for PK fights.
Melees and Archers
Pearl of Blood Drinking
- Bell - As the name implies, everyone runs to the center of the arena and tried to get as close to the bell as possible. This is usually due to fast moving monsters such as Viamontian Hands which switch targets quickly and cause war magic spells to miss.
- Corner - The entire fellowship crowds into a corner, usually the southeast since it is near the drop. The weakest should be towards the back since this effectively blocks melee attacks from reaching them. They can even jump on top if they are very weak. Melee characters should always be near the outer most part of the pile facing the bell, otherwise they will be stuck and unable to attack.
- Spread Out - The fellowship spreads out evenly along the arena around the bell. This is done typically when monsters do not move, or typically cast a few spells then attack.
Time Savers
- If your fellowship has experienced a few deaths, using rares may be able to steal a win from an otherwise coin-run.
- Killing the entire first spawn before a second group can spawn makes the second group not spawn at all. Always aim to do this!
- Use a voice chat program to coordinate quickly and effectively.
- If someone is disconnected, the leader of the fellowship must recall to the Colosseum drop to recruit them again. Have the leader be a melee, since they tend to deal the least damage (except for perhaps two-handed combat).
- Have one person designated to ring the bell as soon as they enter.
- Visually check for another monster in the far corners so you do not find yourself waiting for a new spawn when there is still one alive.
- As soon as the last monster is dead for that arena, pile on the North wall for the door.
All players should proceed through the Advanced Colosseum entrance, which begins at Arena 6.
Arena 6
Spawn #1
- Creatures: Low-level Mosswarts
- Formation: Spread Out
- Roles:
- Rationale:
Low level Mosswarts tend to die in one to two hits from even modest weapons. It is usually possible to clear this before the second spawn comes, saving 10-15 seconds.
Spawn #2
- Creatures: Lugians, War Mattekars
- Formation: Spread Out
- Roles:
Mages - Fire Rending - Shoot one war and then streak into a Mattekar, switch to next.
Melees - Lighting Rending - Attack Lugians.
Archers Lightning Rending -Attack Lugians.
- Rationale:
These too, tend to die in one to two hits from even modest weapons. It is usually possible to clear this before the second spawn comes, saving 10-15 seconds.
Arena 7
Spawn #1
- Creatures: Eaters
- Formation: Spread Out
- Roles:
Mages: Soul Bound Staff - Pre-ring piercing, then streak.
Melees: Slash Rending - Attack any target.
Archers: Slash Rending - Attack any target.
- Rationale:
The Eaters are exceptionally vulnerable to slashing weapons, but the Soul Bound Staff can 1-hit them on a critical hit. Pre-ringing usually takes down a few the moment they spawn.
Spawn #2
- Creatures: Viamontians
- Formation: Spread Out
- Roles:
- Rationale:
So far, this strategy is somewhat effective, need to try out Tusker Fists to see if it is any faster.
Arena 8
Spawn #1
- Creatures: Armoredillos, Zefirs
- Formation: Corner
- Roles:
Mages - Imperil Armoredillos closest to group, then shoot wars at Zefirs. One mage can continue to imperil the Zefirs.
Melees - Slash Rending - Attack Armoredillos first, then Zefirs.
Archers - Slash Rending - Attack Armoredillos first, then Zefirs.
- Rationale:
The high health but low armor of the Armoredillos makes them fodder for physical attacks when imperiled. The Zefirs are a bit harder to kill, but a critical hit from the Soul Bound Staff can devastate them. Since there are relatively fewer Zefirs than Armoredillos, one mage can continue to imperil the Zefirs afterwards while all of the mages shoot wars.
Spawn #2
- Creatures: Crystal Shard Sentinels, Sentient Crystal Shards, Crystal Lord, Crystal Minions
- Formation: Corner
- Roles:
Mages: Bludgeon Rending - Pre-fist, then repeat Tusker Fists at Sentient Crystal Shards until they approach, then use regular wars. Ignore Crystal Lord and Crystal Minions. One designated mage should bludgeon vuln each Sentient Crystal Shard. If all shards are dead, use a racial/rending weapon (if available) to finish the Crysal Lord.
Melees: - Slash Rending - Attack Crystal Lord when it approaches the corner. Ignore Crystal Minions.
Archers: - Slash Rending - Attack Crystal Lord. Ignore Crystal Minions.
Rationale: The shards are large, weak to bludgeoning, and extremely slow moving, making them a very good target for Tusker Fists. It is often possible to kill a few before they even can engage in melee combat. Since using a bludgeon vuln increases the damage per fist by around 60% (Rend caps at 150%, level 8 is 210%), this dramatically improves the rate at which they go down. The Crystal Lord is immune to magic, and thus why archers and melees attack it.
Arena 9
Spawn #1
- Creatures: Olthoi Larvae, Egg Orchard Olthoi
- Formation: Corner
- Roles:
Mages: - Paradox-touched Olthoi Wand - Use arcs and/or streaks to kill the Larvae, which spawn first.
Melees - Paradox-touched Olthoi Weapons
Archers - Paradox-touched Olthoi Weapons
- Rationale:
Nothing kills Olthoi dead quite like Olthoi Slayer weapons. Using wall spells isn't recommended here because there is a large (10-15) second gap between when the larvae spawn and when the actual Olthoi do, which makes most of the efforts wasted. Clearing the larvae before the other Olthoi spawn is extremely difficult due to their long death animation.
Spawn #2
- Creatures: Shadows
- Formation: Spread Out
- Roles:
Mages - Shadowfire Weapons - Pre-ring fire, then streak as soon as everything spawns.
Melees - Fire Rending - Attack nearest target.
Archers - Shadowfire Weapons - Attack Shadows that spawn in corners and on the permimeter first since they tend to escape ring spells.
- Rationale:
The Dark Isle Shadows are notoriously hard to hit, even with 530+ melee skill. The Shadowfire melee weapons have a low attack modifier, making them even harder to hit, which is why a Fire Rending weapon is recommended, especially if it has a Heart Seeker cantrip. The Biting Strike, high damage bonus percent, and Shadow Slayer property on the wands makes many streaks into one-hit kills.
Arena 10
Spawn #1
- Creatures: Sleeches
- Formation: Spread Out
- Roles:
- Rationale:
Sleechs have relatively low health and tend to die quickly to the mages. Streaking works very effectively, usually killing them in one to two hits. The Paradox-touched weapons work well since they shoot can an additional shockwave, though it can be hard to hit them if they aren't moving. Overall though, it should be easy to kill all of these before the second spawn.
Spawn #2
- Creatures: Tanada Nanjou Shou-jen
- Formation: Bell
- Roles:
Mages - Fire Rend - Shoot wars.
Melees - Fire Rend or Elemental Weeping Weapons (NOT physical) - Attack nearest.
Archers - Weeping Weapons or Blighted Weapons with elemental arrows - Attack nearest.
Arena 11
Spawn #1
- Creatures: Low Tuskers, Virindi
- Formation: Spread Out
- Roles:
Mages - Fire Rending weapons and Upgraded Ultimate Singularity Wand (Commando) - Streak the Tuskers. The Commando mage should Blade vuln all of the Virindi, then shoot wars.
Melees - Fire Rending weapons and Upgraded Ultimate Singularity Weapons (Commando) - Attack Tuskers. The Commando helper should use an Upgraded Ultimate Singularity weapon to kill Virindi. Attack only vulned targets first.
Archers - Fire Rending weapons and Upgraded Ultimate Singularity Weapons - Attack Tuskers. The Commando helper should use an Upgraded Ultimate Singularity weapon to kill Virindi. Attack only vulned targets first.
- Rationale:
There are many Tuskers in this room, but they all have low health and can be easily taken down by anyone. There are only a few Virindi here, thus the Commandos take them out.
Spawn #2
- Creatures: Tortured Spirits
- Formation: Spread Out
- Roles:
- Rationale:
The ghosts here have low health and go down very quickly to streaks. It is often possible to kill the first spawn before the second arrives.
Arena 12
Spawn #1
- Creatures: Ruschk Draktehn
- Formation: Corner
- Roles:
Mages - Bludgeon Rending - Pre-fist and continue until fists hit just one target. Concentrate on thrown weapons ones. Watch for those that spawn in the opposite corner. Attack nearby ones with wars.
Melees - Fire Rending or Bludgeon Rending (if available) - Attack targets that are nearby.
Archers - Fire Rending weapons and Upgraded Ultimate Singularity Weapons - Attack
- Rationale:
These are fairly weak to bludgeoning (more so than fire, unconfirmed. Armor rending may do more as well, need experimentation). They have highish health (3000+), so the more damage upfront dealt with Tusker Fists, the better.
Spawn #2
- Creatures: Mukkir
- Formation: Corner
- Roles:
Mages - Bludgeon Rending wand with Mukkir Slayer - Pre-fist and continue until fists hit just one target. Attack nearby ones with wars. Low/no melee defense mages to the back.
Melees - Pierce Rending Weapon with Mukkir Slayer - Attack targets that are nearby.
Archers - Pierce Rending Weapon with Mukkir Slayer - Attack targets that are nearby.
- Rationale:
These are fairly weak to bludgeoning (more so than fire, unconfirmed. Armor rending may do more as well, need experimentation). They have highish health (3000+), so the more damage upfront dealt with Tusker Fists, the better.
Arena 13
- ARENA 13 - Ravager & Virindi / Lugian / Ursuin
This arena is unique in that it has 3 spawns, but the first two only happen once and the third one happens twice as normal.
Spawn #1
- Creatures: Ravager and Virindi Quidioxes
- Formation: Spread Out
- Roles:
Mages - Soul Bound Staff and Upgraded Ultimate Singularity wands (Commando) - Frost vuln all Ravagers first, then shoot wars. Commandos blade vuln the Virindi and then shoot wars.
Melees - Armor Rending or Critical Strike Frost weapons - Attack vulned Ravagers first. Commandos attack vulned Virindi first.
Archers - Soul Bound Bow with frost arrows and Upgraded Ultimate Singularity weapons (Commando) - Attack vulned Ravagers first. Commandos attack vulned Virindi first.
- Rationale:
There are many Ravagers here, and only a few Virindi, so once again, the Commandos will focus on the Virindi. The Ravagers have fairly high armor level, so an Armor Rending frost weapon works very well. The critical hits from the Soul Bound weapons work well.
Spawn #2
- Creatures: Path of the Blind Lugians
- Formation: Spread Out
- Roles:
- Rationale:
These Lugians have high health but low armor level. When imperiled, they can be killed in two hits by most any weapon. The have moderately high magic defense, so archers/melees should not wait for a target to be imperiled, but instead switch to one that is.
Spawn #3
- Creatures: Inflamed Ursuins
- Formation: Bell
- Roles:
- Rationale:
Another high health but low armor monster. When imperiled, they go down in one or two hits.
Arena 14
Spawn #1
- Creatures: Virindi Paradoxes and Virindi Quidioxes
- Formation: Spread Out
- Roles:
- File:Incantation of Blade Vulnerability Icon.pngTemplate:Ulimate Singularity Sceptre of Life Magic Mages - Upgraded Ultimate Singularity wands - Blade vuln all targets, and then shoot wars.
Melees - Upgraded Ultimate Singularity weapons - Attack vulned targets first.
Archers - Upgraded Ultimate Singularity weapons - Attack vulned targets first.
- Rationale:
This room has a lot of Virindi, and nothing works as well as the upgraded Ultimate Singularity weapons. Not all Singularity weapons deal slashing (mace/spear/staff), so they can vuln (works well for Life specialized and frees up a mage to shoot more wars), heal, or just attack (still fairly effective).
Spawn #2
- Creatures: Egg Orchard Olthoi, Olthoi Progenitors
- Formation: Corner
- Roles:
Mages: - Paradox-touched Olthoi Wand - Pre-wall piercing, then shoot wars at the Olthoi Progenitors first, finishing any remaining Olthoi.
Melees - Paradox-touched Olthoi Weapons - Attack any except Olthoi Progenitors.
Archers - Paradox-touched Olthoi Weapons - Attack any except Olthoi Progenitors.
- Rationale:
Olthoi Progenitors have an extremely high armor level, making melee and archer attacks less efficient. The remaining Olthoi are standard fare Egg Orchard Olthoi and go down to Paradox-touched Olthoi Weapons as one might expect.
Arena 15
- ARENA 15 – Mosswart / Undead
Spawn #1
- Creatures: Mosswarts
- Formation: Bell
- Roles:
Mages - Imperil everything, then switch to the Mosswart Gladiators and shoot wars. The Commando mage should start shooting wars at the Mosswart Gladiators.
Melees - Fire Rending weapons - Attack everything except the Mosswart Gladiators , which are the final targets.
Archers - Fire Rending weapons - Attack everything except the Mosswart Gladiators , which are the final targets.
- Rationale:
The Mosswart Gladiators have an extremely high armor level and fairly high magic defense. The remaining Mosswarts go down without any real problem once imperiled. The Commando mage gets a head start on the Gladiators since they take the longest. Fire vulns may be useful but not required.
Spawn #2
- Creatures: Enraged Ancient Soul (Undead)
- Formation: Corner
- Roles:
Mages - Fire Rending wand with Undead Slayer - Pre-wall fire, then shoot wars. Optionally use War Rare here if desired.
Melees - Fire Rending weapons with Undead Slayer - Attack nearest.
Archers - Fire Rending weapons with Undead Slayer - Attack nearest.
- Rationale:
These undead have a fairly high magic defense, expect to get resisted with 475+ War Magic. Archers and melees can do a bit of damage, but largely mages are the ones that decimate this group.
Arena 16
- ARENA 16 – Hands / Swarm Demons
Viamontian Hands – We start in BELL formation. Mages cast Lightning Rings with Lightning Rend, then switch to Arcs when a few remain. Melee and Archers attack at will with Lightning Rend. Note: This tactic works with Fire, as well.
Swarm Demons Olthoi– EVERYONE USE MELEE DEFENSE RARE - Start this spawn in Bell formation. The EAST side group will cast Bludgeon Vuln on all Demons. The WEST side group will cast Futility on all Demons at the same time. Once ALL are Vulned the group will split up and go to the WW formation. Mages will cast Tusker Fists non-stop with Olthoi slaying wands. Mages will switch to Arcs when a few remain. Melees will play support and heal, stamina, or mana as needed, or cast Imperils via Lenses or buffed Life Magic. Archers can attack at will using Bludgeon Rend. This is the room that tends to make or break a Colosseum Run. Archers should try to concentrate fire to remove individual olthoi as fast as possible.
Note: IF you can't pop Melee Rares, then the best way to do things is have one mage BLud Vuln all the olthoi, and someone else Imperil them all (preferably a Lens user). Then concentrate attacks on individual olthoi to remove them rapidly from the equation. Melees just chip in with Olthoi Slayers or Blud AR, Archers use BLudgeon AR. Once they are all Imperilled and VUlned, they die fast...it just takes a while to get there.
Making it out of this room entitles you to 3 coins.
Arena 17
- ARENA 17 – Tuskers & Virindi / Penguins
Tuskers & Virindi – We start in BELL formation. Mages cast Rings using Fire Rend wands non stop, then switch to Arcs when a few remain. If only Virindi remain, quickly switch to your Sing wands (remember to switch back before the next spawn). Melees cast Fire Vuln on all the Virindi and then cast Imperil on all the Virindi and switch to Fire rend or Fire AR once all are Vulned/Imped . Archers can target and attack the Vulned/Imped Virindi as they are debuffed with Fire Render or Fire AR.
Penguins – We stay in BELL formation. Mages cast Fire Rings with Fire Rend wands, switch to Arcs when few remain. Melees and Archers attack at will with Fire Rend while not disrupting the Mage’s Rings.
Making it out of this room entitles you to Four Colosseum Coins.
Arena 18
- ARENA 18 – Tremendous Monouga / Guardians
TM’s – We start in the TRI formation. Mages using CS/Blud wands or specially tinked TM wands cast Tusker Fists at any open TM. Keep turning side to side to get clear shots. Melees and Archers cast Bludgeon Vuln, Futility, Imperil, and Frost Vuln on all TM’s in that specific spell order. Once all TM’s are fully vulned then the Melees and Archers may attack at will using Frost AR weapons (spectral arrows for Archers preferred). Be sure not to impede the Mage’s wall spells,
Guardians – We move to SW formation. 2 Mages will be assigned to Frost Vuln, Imperil, and Magic Yield all the guardians. Mages will use frost Arcs with CS wands, with Undead Slayer, if possible. Melee will use AR Frost weapons (with Undead Slayer, if possible!). Archers will use AR frost bows (spectral arrows preferred) with Undead Slayer, if possible. Kill the guardians one at a time from the left to the right, concentrating fire.
NOTE: If you don't have Frost Undead Slayers for Wands, use your Fire Undead Slayer Wands, and only WAR the ones that are Frost Vulned. The Undead Slayer effect is more important then a CS effect.