Carved Cave
Related topics: Carved Cave Directions (Rumor)
Maps NPCs Creatures Items and Objects Portals Images Update History |
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- Provides access to the Halls of the Lost Light and Direlands Midland portals.
- Key #7 for the Sword of Lost Light is found here
- The exit to the N leads to a steady, be it slow, spawn of 5 Ash Gromnies and can be camped for Ash Gromnie Tooth (house item)
- The Worn Chest near the Gromnies holds the Enchanted Fire Arrows.
- None
Items and Objects
Worn Chest - see map
Enchanted Fire Arrow in Worn Chest
Chest - different ones, some hold keys, some hold lower level loot
Carved Key
Small Carved Key
Oak Chest - see map
Peerless Lockpick - Spawn of two lockpicks in a pile bones in front of the Worn Chest (see pic below)
A silvery, mysterious key - from Oak Chest
Sturdy Iron Chest - see map
- Halls of the Lost Light
- Direlands Midland Portal
- Surface - near drop, and throughout the dungeon (see map) - Tiable and Recallable, but not Summonable.
Click image for full size version.
Outside the Carved Caves
Peerless Lockpick spawn in front of the Worn Chest containing Enchanted Fire Arrows
Shadow room with Direlands Midlands and Halls of Lost Light portals.
Update History
Into the Darkness
- Dungeon portal relocated from 72.1N, 35.6W - Banderling Cave to 7.4N, 0.6E near Al-Jalima.
- Level 17+ restriction removed.
- Portal to the Halls of the Lost Light added.
- Portal to Qalaba'r destroyed.