Circlet of Supremacy

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From the Gaerlan's Citadel quest introduced in Verdict.

Circlet of Supremacy
File:Circlet of Supremacy icon.png Circlet of Supremacy
A crown made of some luminescent metal.
Value 4,000p
Burden 300
AL Slash Pierce Bludgeon
100 40 40 40
Fire Cold Acid Lightning
40 40 40 40
Areas Covered Head
Restrictions Trained Leadership skill
Special Properties Unenchantable
Spells Supremacy (Increases Rank for purposes of item activation by 1. Does not change title.)
Activations Arcane Lore: 125
Spellcraft 225
Mana 500, 1/29sec
Related Quests Gaerlan's Citadel
Notes One of the last rewards to earn from repeating the quest (because only 4 point skill credit cost of Leadership).