87.9N 9.3W
Map Files:
None Available
Nearest Town:
Take the Snowy Valley settlement portal in Tou-Tou
Level Restrictions:
Portal Restrictions:
Cannot Tie Cannot Recall Cannot Summon
Quest Flag:
Introduced In:
Blood From Stone
Related Quests:
You are dropped at a random starting location when you enter.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Deewain is holed up pretty well in that cave he created. He did tell me that if I wanted to visit him the rocks would guide my path."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ya, I don't know what that means either."
- Go up and as far S or N where you can
- When you reach a big room with a pit, you can zoom out, and see an opening one level down
- The pit has an invisible floor, do a shift jump
- At the end of the level below, there is a "Surface" Portal
- This portals you to another big room with stones you need to jump
- Jumping Puzzle
- The locations of the platforms change, so there will be different routes
- Route 1:
- Shift Jump to the rock in the middle, just below the platform
- Looong jump N, towards another rock in the middle, you won't land on top of it, but bump off it on another one
- Shift jump to the NW
- Long jump E, slightly N, to a rock against the wall
- Shift jump to the next one
- Backwards shift jump
- Step backwards, shift jump
- Long jump straight N
- Shift jump W
- Backwards shift jump on the platform
- Portal Puzzle
- Next, there will be three portals, each bringing you to a next section with more portals
- Worked:
- Left
- Left
- Mid
- Right
- Mid
- If you take a wrong portal, you're back at the start of the jumping puzzle...
- If you do it right, you will end up in another big room with LOTS of Fallen Rocks
- Go left wall, watch sequence, when last one nearby falls, run like hell
- Next, there are Missile Defender Golems who hurl rocks at you while you run down stairs
- File:Name.png
Items and Objects
- Portal - General location, drop coords, restrictions.
Click image for full size version.
Entrance to Dark Cavern