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January 2013 - Announcements Page

Turbine Announcements

Teaser Images

Click image for full size version.

Release Notes


Release Fiction

No Release Fiction this month.

Developer Comments

No Developer Comments this month.


Patch Details

Patch Date: 15th January, 2013
Patch Size: 239k (Client: 4,640k)
Hotfix:  ???k (??th Month)

Town Crier Rumors

Free Rumors:

Town Crier tells you, "I've heard several reports of mobilizations against the spectral Hoshino Kei's forces."
Town Crier tells you, "I've heard several rumors of strange crystal formations showing up around Frost Haven."

Pyreal Rumors:

Town Crier tells you, "There's a man in Danby's Outpost seeking assistance with a Mosswart problem he is having."
Town Crier tells you, "Lord Brem, one of Prince Borelean's Knights, is seeking those adventurers who've aided all of Popkin of the Gate's researchers."
Town Crier tells you, "Those who qualify should seek him in the encampment outside of Hoshino Kei's Fortress."

Ulgrim Rumors

Free Rumors:

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Asheron gave me a talking to about "borrowing" one of the gift boxes"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I thought it was first come first serve"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I was looking at my mini golems the other day."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I was thinking having a full sized one running around smashing bunnies would be even better."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Don't feel bad for the bunnies. They are secretly trying to take over Dereth."

Stout Rumors:

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Seems Borelean didn't want to do it himself, so he assigned it to Lord Brem."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Lord Brem doesn't want to do it either, so he's trying to find fool hearty adventurers who will do it instead."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Hopefully by now you know that is never a good sign, and likely means a trip to the lifestone is in the future."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I'll never forget how you helped me out with that whole broken wand problem. I really owe you one."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So... here."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant gives you Stout.

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You deserve that... Fred. Fredrina? Bah, whatever."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I'm gonna need more cowbell!"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You know what I could use. Some new loot."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've had a full set of Mystical gear for years now."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh you thought Epics were good? You have no idea..."

New Quests

Updated Quests

  • Monthly Explorer Society Quests
    WARNING: These quests are standalone quests, the xp bonuses are strictly handled by the NPCs in Kara, speak to them after finishing to get your bonus. Also your timer for the bonuses depend on when you completed last month's set of quests, speak to each NPC to find out if your timer hasn't expired yet. More details here.
  • Ansar El-Kerdany: (Monthly) - The Temple of Ixir Zi
    Ansar El-Kerdany tells you, "Greetings Adventurer! We are looking for adventurers willing to explore the Temple of Ixir Zi."
    Ansar El-Kerdany tells you, "Watch your step in that dangerous place, and I shall reward you upon your return."
    - Completion Message;
    Ansar El-Kerdany tells you, ""
  • Esmond Fielding: (Bi-Weekly) - History & Habits of the Moars
    Esmond Fielding tells you, "Greetings Adventurer! The Explorer Society has decided it would help direct attention to citizens in need of help."
    Esmond Fielding tells you, "This month we have decided that Fanzen San may be interested in information on the Moars."
    Esmond Fielding tells you, "Search Dereth for texts on these strange beasts and bring them to him and I shall reward you."
    - Completion Message;
    Esmond Fielding tells you, "You managed to find a text on the Eating Habits of the Moars. Take this as a reward for your minimal effort."
    Esmond Fielding tells you, "Some days I weep for the future of these lands..."
    Esmond Fielding tells you, "You managed to find a text on the Hunting Habits of the Moars. Take this as a reward for your slight effort."
    Esmond Fielding tells you, "I hope you didn't pull a muscle."
    Esmond Fielding tells you, "You managed to find a story of a Preistess and a Moar. Take this as a reward for your solid work."
    Esmond Fielding tells you, "If Dereth had more like you, we might just live in a world of peace and grandeur."
  • Niccolo De Luca: (Weekly) - Tumerok Vanguard Outposts
    Niccolo De Luca tells you, "Greetings Adventurer! The Explorer Society has decided it would help direct attention to citizens in need of help."
    Niccolo De Luca tells you, "This month we have decided that the Tumerok Vanguard Leaders need to be put back in their place."
    Niccolo De Luca tells you, "Go up against whichever one you choose. Take the amulet they so proudly wear as proof of your deed."
    - Completion Message;
    "Niccolo De Luca tells you, "I see by the amulet that you defeated one of the Tumerok Vanguard Leaders. Bravery is within you. Here is your reward."
Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "As a game hunter I've tagged a variety of creatures to test your skills. Kill these creatures to test your skills and prove your abilities and I'll make it worth your while."
Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "This month I've tagged Voracious Eaters as the moderate difficulty prey."
Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "This month I've tagged Olthoi Mutilators as the medium difficulty prey."
Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "This month I've tagged Lugians in the Valley of Death and Withered Atoll as the high difficulty prey."
Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "This month I've tagged Dark Isle Ruschk as one of the most difficult prey."
Rand, Game Hunter tells you, "This month I've tagged Mosswarts in Dark Design as the other prey of highest difficulty."

New NPCs

Updated NPCs

New Locations

Updated Locations

New Items

Contract for Lost Lore
Contract for Sisters of Light
Contract for First Sister
Contract for Second Sister
Contract for Third Sister

Hoshino Must Die quest
Inner Sanctum Key
Mirror Shard
Empowered Robe of Utter Darkness

Purified Mouryou Weapons
Purified Mouryou Katana
Purified Mouryou Nanjou-tachi
Purified Mouryou Nodachi
Purified Mouryou Nekode

Updated Items

New Titles

No new titles this month.


Portal.dat (Ingame Icons)


New Creatures



Click image for full size.

Known Issues

When logging in with old accounts characters may appear to have disappeared.
Refer to this link for info Link


Splash Screen