Directions to the Lugian Citadels
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Directions to the Lugian Citadels
These are directions to the Lugian Citadels that were taken by the Lugian Renegades from our allies the Linvak Lugians.
Hills Citadel Portal (20-40)
Nearby Towns: Lin, Baishi
Location: 56.6S 66.9E
Ridge Citadel Portal (40-60)
Nearby Towns: Lin, Kara, Baishi
Location: 67.9S 62.6E
Wilderness Citadel Portal (40-60)
Nearby Towns: Qalabar
Location: 70.2S 24.2E
Mountain Citadel Portal (60-80)
Nearby Towns: Fort Tethana
Location: 5.4N 71.7W
Desert Citadel Portal (60-80)
Nearby Towns: Candeth Keep
Location: 84.5S 59.7W