Eating Habits of the Moars

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Introduced:  Treaties in Stone Related Quests:  The Moars

Found in the bottom of the Sunken Mere dungeon, unrestricted part

Muddy Tome

A Ancient mud-caked Tome, 1 of 1 pages full

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded
Pretranslation Author: Unknown
Translator: Fanzen San the Translator
Translator Speech:

You give Fanzen San the Translator Muddy Tome.

Fanzen San the Translator tells you, "This book appears to be a text regarding the eating habits of the Moarsmen and some creature call the Moars. I am unfamiliar with what the Moar are exactly, but it seems there is some relation between them and the Moarsmen."
Fanzen San the Translator tells you, "Unfortunately, the text is in horrible condition and I am unable to translate it completely. The best I can do is create a summary of the bits I understand."
Fanzen San the Translator tells you, "Since you have helped me further my understanding of the Moarsmen and the Falatacot, I will help you."

Fanzen San the Translator gives you Eating Habits of the Moars.

You've earned 50,000 experience.

Eating Habits of the Moars

4 of 4 pages full

In the past I have been fortunate enough to translate relatively well-preserved tomes. Unfortunately, this tome is so old and damaged that translation is difficult. This scribing is as close to a summary as I can manage given the original condition of the book.


It seems that, much like the Sclavus, the Moarsmen were originally from another world. The text describes the two shapes the Moarsmen took, both before and after their interaction with the Falatacot

with the Falatacot Priestess of ages past. This piece of literature looks to be an account of the eating habits of both the beings known as the Moar as well as what we know as Moarsmen.

The first type of creature, the Moar, is described as a small yet voracious beast. The best I can relate the description to is the Carenzi found commonly on Marae Lassel. The text claims that these small creatures had no specific in their choice of food.The author mentions that their diet was varied, ranging from hunting small frog-like creatures to forming packs to

hunt much larger amphibians, as well as scavenging offal and rarely consuming plant material.

The larger version, the one I assume we commonly know as the Moarsman, was an aggressive hunter. The notes state that the Falatacot would take the Moarsmen with them on outings, similar to the use of hunting hounds in the Aluvian Highlands. However, unlike the wild, smaller Moar, the Moarsman was easily tamable through its stomach. This led to it not being terribly particular about its meals. The note mentions that the

Moarsman was more interested in the killing of competition as opposed to eating it.

This fact could attribute to the lack of any significant predators on the Vesayen Islands.

-Translator Fanzen San

-- Fanzen San