Electric Weeping Sword

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From the Elemental Weeping Weapons quest introduced in Visions in the Darkness.

Electric Weeping Sword
Electric Weeping Sword
Value: 8,000
550 Burden Units
A sword infused with the Heart of the Innocent. The weapon appears to be guided by a preternatural force seeking flesh and blood with great tenacity.

Special Properties: Human Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable

Damage: 22.8 - 38 (38.4 - 64), Electric
Speed: Slow (35) (5)
Uses Sword Skill
Bonus to Attack Skill: +5% (+23%)
Bonus to Defense Skill: +0% (+18%)

Your base Sword must be at least 325 to wield this item.

Casts the following spells: Cunning of the Hunter, Mark of the Hunter, Murderous Thirst, Speed of the Hunter, Moderate Sword Aptitude

Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 50
Spellcraft: 300
Mana: 800
Mana Cost: 1 point per 40 seconds.

Spell Descriptions:

  • Cunning of the Hunter (My prey shall know the bite of my steel long before it becomes aware of my presence. Increases the base offense bonus of a weapon by 18%.)
  • Mark of the Hunter (I shall be known by motion and cunning, all shall fear my mark. Increases Melee Defense skill modifier of a weapon or magic caster by 18%.)
  • Murderous Thirst (I shall drink the blood of my victims and it shall nourish my fevered desire. Increases the base damage of a weapon by 26.)
  • Speed of the Hunter (My movements shall become as the wind, silent and swift. Decreases the bsae speed of a weapon by 30.)
  • Moderate Sword Aptitude (Increases the target's Sword skill by 10 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.)

