Empty Paradox Olthoi Cave

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Revision as of 15:38, 28 June 2012 by imported>Arkalor (Maps)
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Dungeon Location C4B5
Coordinates: 43.4N 55.4E
Map Files: None Available
Nearest Town: Arwic
Nearest LS: 48.3N 57.4E
Route: Take the Far Claw Villas settlement portal in Arwic at 32.9N 59.4E then run south to 43.4N 55.4E.
Dungeon Restrictions
Level Restrictions: 1+
Portal Restrictions: Cannot Tie
Cannot Recall
Cannot Summon
Quest Flag: None
Related Articles
Introduced In: Corrupted Sovereigns
Related Quests: Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi, Dereth Exploration

Map Dereth Point


The entrance to this dungeon is an open landscape olthoi burrow (no portal) located in the middle of the Paradox-touched Valley. Lag can be extreme due to the large number of olthoi in the area.

During the Picking up the Pieces, an Exploration Marker was added.

There is a green olthoi door that can be opened using the Olthoi Cistern in the Paradox-Touched Olthoi Queen's Lair

  • When the burrow came ingame, it seemed like there was no way to open the door. Originally, explorers discovered a grate behind the door that can be seen from some angles, and it was thought that maybe the door was nothing more than a tease from the developers.


  • Wiki Map:


  • None


  • Some of the Olthoi outside will follow you when you run inside

Paradox Olthoi

Items and Objects



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