Enhanced Gauntlets of Marksmanship

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Introduced:  Come What Follows Related Quests:  Creature Lords Updated:  Master of Arms
Enhanced Gauntlets of Marksmanship
Value: 6,000
450 Burden Units

It seems these gauntlets were crafted in order to aid the wearer in firing any type of missile weapon. These gauntlets have been enhanced by Belinda du Loc.

Armor Level: 325
Covers Hands

You must be at least level 50 to wield this item.

Casts the following spells: Aura of Defense, Aura of Defense, Honed Control, Missile Weapon Mastery Self VII

Armor Level: 325
Slashing: Above Average (390)
Piercing: Average (358)
Bludgeoning: Above Average (390)
Fire: Below Average (130)
Cold: Below Average (130)
Acid: Below Average (130)
Electric: Below Average (130)
Nether: Average (325)

Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 250

Spellcraft: 150
Mana: 1350
Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.


You give Belinda du Loc Gauntlets of Marksmanship.
Belinda du Loc tells you, "I have enhanced this item using the essence of the creature that once wielded it, put it to good use. If you do not want it give it back and I will reward you alternatively."
Belinda du Loc gives you Enhanced Gauntlets of Marksmanship.
You give Belinda du Loc Enhanced Gauntlets of Marksmanship.
Belinda du Loc tells you, "I see you didn't want to keep this, that's a shame."
You've earned 500,000 experience.