Gardener Pincer
- Creatures that drop this item.
- Dropped by Olthoi Gardeners at the end of The Dark Lair.
- 6 day pickup timer.
- Does not stack.
- Give to Behdo Yii for 750,000 xp, a Ring of Acid Protection, a Trade Note (50,000), 2 Treated Healing Kits, and the Gardener Weeder title.
- You give Behdo Yii Gardener Pincer.
- Behdo Yii tells you, "Well, aren't you something special? I knew you could do it!"
- You've earned 750,000 experience.
- Behdo Yii gives you A Ring of Acid Protection.
- Behdo Yii gives you Trade Note (50,000).
- Behdo Yii gives you Treated Healing Kit.
- Behdo Yii gives you Treated Healing Kit.
- Behdo Yii tells you, "Well, let me officially recognize you as Gardener Weeder!"
- Behdo Yii tells you, "Now, while you were out ridding the island of those terrible bugs, I heard tell from one of Varicci's men that he discovered a Crumbling Empyrean Mansion infested with ugly Olthoi in the eastern lowlands. Bring me one of those Workers' pincers, and I'll reward you well!"