This staff belonged to Gikar. The fell beast used the staff as a focus of some kind, but out of its hands has become fairly mundane.Special Properties: Crushing Blow, Biting StrikeSkill: Light Weapons (Staff)Damage: 12.5 - 25 (23.5 - 47), BludgeoningSpeed: Fast (25) (0)Bonus to Attack Skill: +9% (26%)Bonus to Melee Defense: +9% (24%)You must be at least level 100 to wield this item.Casts the following spells: Blood Drinker VI, Swift Killer IV, Heart Seeker VI, Minor Blood Thirst, Minor Heart ThirstActivation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 200, Staff: 400Spellcraft: 400Mana: 2000Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.